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Comment Re:And what about contractors? (Score 1) 1042

Exactly... The spending is controlled by the budgets and everything else except the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling exists to control how much revenue they need to collect to keep up with the budget. So, if my budget says I can spend $5tr, and my debt ceiling is $10tr (of which $9tr is already used) then I must make sure that I have revenues sufficient to make sure I do not hit my debt ceiling. Why is this so hard for people to understand. If we (4 of us) go out to dinner and order $100 worth of food, and I have a credit card with $20 available, the remaining $80 must be split by all of us at the table. You dont go into this situation thinking 4 people are going to bring $15, and there is $20 available on a credit card, and then blame the restaurant when the bill arrives and you dont have enough money. Everyone at the table has to pony up the extra $5 to cover. Even better, have everyone pony up $10 extra so that you dont have to use the gift card and can save it for an emergency. All that being said, I wholeheartedly agree that spending must be cut.. but you cannot just take a hatchet to the budget to everything that was already ordered. You can cancel the wine that hasn't been corked yet, you can cut desert, but the steak is already on the grill. You need to pay up and look big for this meal, but STOP going out to dinner for a while (to stick with the same analogy) until your credit card is paid off. I'm sorry.. but taxes have to go up.. be it in the form of higher sliding tax rates for rich people, or eliminating loopholes, or whatever. I don't want to pay more taxes, but I realize that the money has already been spent and it's time to pay the bill.

Comment Re:One more, cannot prove you shared it... (Score 1) 375

And also, there is no way for them to prove just by looking at the possibly 'pirated' file that you are not just being lazy. I could, for example, have a case of CDs that I feel like downloading in 5 minutes per CD, rather than ripping (and using my precious CPU) for 10 or 20 - not to mention all that wear and tear on my optical drive. As you say, if you are not SHARING (i.e. using torrents) then you still have committed no crime as long as you OWN a copy of the media in question. Also, for media that you have purchased which is damaged or possibly stolen, the same is true.

Comment Re:New Google Strategy (Score 0) 243

Off-topic.. I think Apple and Oracle should team up. I think there's writing on the wall, but I might just be crazy. 5 year Apple strategy for business share: 1) Partner with Oracle to use expensive Sun hardware and software in the data center 2) Sell expensive Apple hardware at the desktop. 3) ???? 4) Profit Given how much money IT departments waste these days (SOA anyone?) it should go over quite smoothly. Time to buy some Apple stock.

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