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Comment Re:Kid won't know what to do when an adult (Score 1) 607

Indeed. It is like Pascal's Wager.

The downside of wearing are:
1) The child receives early training on how to be an electronically emprisoned parolee
2) The child grows up as a prisoner
3) The child grows up without trust
4) The child learns that activities with no pay-off but that costs a lot of energy end effort are good, perpetuating the faulty logic of Pascal's Wager that made a prisoner of people like you.

Comment Re:Do we really need GPS to track mileage ? (Score 1) 891

- All cars do not consume fuel at the same mileage ratio
- Fuel efficiency cannot be "promoted". Cars use fuel according to the laws of physics. The average car owner cannot improve the car's fuel efficiency, only the car manufacturer can do that. All cars cannot be replaced because they are not fuel/tax efficient.

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