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Comment Re:Will they need DC power to run more systems in (Score 2) 82

Grab a large car battery's terminals, one in each hand. You've now got a little over 12 volts potential across your body, from a battery that can easily deliver 200 amps. You know what you'll feel? Nothing. Not even if your hands are wet.

Now try the same with a 220VAC source current-limited to 10amps. Wet your hands and let the ER doc report on the results.

Don't do this ever. Use one wet hand to touch both post. You really will get hurt.

You ever drop a wrench on a car battery or bare frame to the 12+ and short the posts of a battery? Ya, instantly welds it to the post. With the human body its more about resistance and path it has to take. Up one arm across the chest and down the other. Too much resistance to really do much. Compare licking a 9v to just touching the posts. You have to press real hard to get conductivity with your hands. Either way its dangerous to short both. At least the 220 will have a breaker on it. Usually.

Comment Re:Think of the Children (Score 1) 282

And yet, we've all grown up without knowing anyone who's ever had such problems in spite of the fact that we had lead solder on all of our copper pipes for the last ~100 years.

From the way us Americans have been acting the past few years, Id say we know many people with such problems. You have just pointed out a good possibility for why. :-)

Comment Re:Stop mincing words (Score 1) 78

Those two we cant say much about. The "Anyone else" part of the statement is incorrect. I have well over 1000 physical discs. Probably over 2000 movies, series, specials etc. I bought them all.

Is it illegal for me to loan a disc to my cousin or brother? Why is it illegal for me to stream it from my house to them? Its the same thing. Except I protect my movies / investment from getting damaged when I give them access to my media server. It is limited on how many streams it can handle by gpu/cpu hp and the network connection. My connection can only handle 1 stream of a 10mb 4k movie at a time.

I'm not saying id give it out to anyone. Only my close friends/family that I would loan or invite over to watch the movie with. Certainly wouldn't sell access. Those two certainly are suspicious.

Comment Re:There's no shortage (Score 1) 67

While those things are in the equation, they probably spend more on toilet paper at .0003% of the budget needed to fix the problem. They could also scale back some of the leases they have on satellites, planes, boats, buoys, ground radar, etc. Some things have to be up contract wise. They probably should have gotten enough money back from planes with the pandemic and not as many being in the air.

Comment Re:And this affects California how? (Score 2) 607

California gets a waiver from the fed so they can create their own standards and not use the national standard, which is lower. From what I read they would no longer get this waiver and be forced to follow the national standard. The reason they got the waiver in the first place was because of environmental issues they were having in places like LA. It forced them to have a higher standard then the rest of the nation.

Comment Sensors (Score 3, Interesting) 527

Doesnt the car have sensors that could have detected the person and her bike with bags? Dont get me wrong it appears that the pedestrian was in the wrong but something should have been detected and the car should have done something to try and avoid the accident. Maybe these cars are not smart enough yet. Though once fully certified I would expect them to be better at driving then people. Something to work towards I guess.

Comment What is AI? (Score 3, Interesting) 76

Can someone give me the definition of AI? I ask because it keeps getting thrown around but when people get in to details they talk about pattern recognition, machine learning or data analytics. Not what I would consider AI. CTO seems to think that if a machine can read, say safety manuals, then it can make decisions on safety better then humans. We have yet to see this work.

Comment Re: You've gotta be smarter than a bumper sticker (Score 2) 555

From what I understand, the R&D for many drugs are researched at public institutions using public funding. Many drug manufacturers hop on to the gravy train at some point and may fund 50% of the research so that they can claim exclusive rights to said drug. Tax payers are still funding a good chunk of those costs. Additionally drug makers have been milking products for decades. Look at the Epi Pen. It was made in the 1970's and approved in 1987 by the FDA. Yet somehow the price goes up every year. They have more then made their costs back 10 fold. This appears to be the norm for drug manufacturers. Inevitably us consumer pay for both the cost of the drug with an x increase in price per year and pay for a good chunk of the research. The drug companies have many cash cows that they didn't have to invest too much in, compared to the returns they get out of it. Maybe the drug manufacturers can use more of their own money to fund more research instead of giving multi millions dollar bonuses to executives.

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