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Comment Re:Like any good engineering or scientific paper, (Score 1) 56

Why hype the zero-sum idea that the low efficiency is a hard limit that can never be exceeded, so everyone should just give up now and if not I'll cut your funding till you give up, because obviously this type of thing is just hype and no, I'm not hyping anti-hype at all, because wouldn't that be self-unaware, and am I not the Captain of this rational, super-consistent story I'm telling here?

Comment Re:The research doesn't bother me (Score 1) 56

"see! you don't need to worry about climate change! You can keep driving your Hummer!"

Why is that preference so distasteful to you, even if the pollution produced could be mitigated? Are you trying to change hearts and minds by using science to legislate your particular arbitrary preferences?

Comment Re: Let The Robots Sort And Recycle It. (Score 3) 128

Are you saying that the free market externalizes costs like methane containment, and thus rationalizes not recycling because it's too expensive when you can just landfill your waste and let nature (or could the Fed buy climate bonds that would pay to contain it?) handle the methane?

Comment Re:Or you know... (Score 1) 70

If you examine the Sankey diagrams on the Lawrence Livermore National Labs site, will you too conclude that two-thirds of electricity generated is basically sent to ground because there is no human demand for it? Thus Washington has so much excess hydropower it sells it to needy states like California?

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