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Comment Re:Obvious question from their perspective (Score 1) 1307

What the heck? "I'm surprised that you'd trust Google apps more than an internal server known to hospital IT." You're surprised that I'd trust Google Apps not to leak information THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE (patient records) over an unsupervised machine that has access to the internal network? Really?

Comment Re:Facebook Apps and privacy (Score 1) 130

Nah, it's because the way Facebook sets up it's privacy. You can't really have the user do *anything* social unless you rape their privacy. Want to allow your player to transfer his name and profile picture over to the game? You have to access his pictures and his profile information. Want to allow him to invite his friends? You have to access his friends list. And there's not really a reason to put the game on Facebook if you're not utilizing the social aspects. It'd be wonderful if there were some sort of option whereby an app could allow you to see a list of your friends, invite them, etc, without the actual app being able to see that information, but Facebook doesn't really provide that level of detail. To be fair, there's probably not a lot of demand; the crossover between people who have a huge desire to play Farmville and the people who are strongly concerned about their privacy is not likely to be large.

Comment Re:It makes sense (Score 1) 130

Ads on the actual Facebook site are an entirely different matter from what shows up on apps. Ads on apps are done completely outside of Facebook's sphere of influence (other than the fact that they'll apparently ban you if you're using someone they don't like). Ads on the actual site are often done by random users. If you want, you can take out space advertising your resume. I see someone doing that every few months.

Comment Re:Google will outlast Facebook. (Score 0) 130

The developers who want to put an app on Facebook's up-and-coming platform to attract users while using the superior (both in ease-of-use and monetization) AdSense for advertising support? I'm actually in the process of developing a webapp with an eye toward FB, and this makes me extremely squeamish. AdSense is second to none for apps/sites that aren't well known (obviously if you're Zynga or Bioware, you can partner with whoever you want, or just sell advertising directly).

So yes, this debate may not matter to people who matter (Steve Jobs? Mark Zuckerberg?), but it matters a lot to people who don't matter.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 230

Agree. I especially hate it when they take an ordinary gadget and transform it into "THE MOST EXPENSIVE ____ EVER" by pasting diamonds all over it. That's not the most expensive TV ever. It's a bundle that includes a regular TV and a fuck ton of diamonds.

Comment Re:Get off my lawn... (Score 1) 235

It depends. Some teachers design good tests where all the grunt work can be done mentally. Some are lazier and don't really plan the problems out well, and generally let you use a basic non-graphic, non-calculus calculator. But really, those calculators are only useful for skipping out of differentiation/integration in the sweet-spot of calc 1 or 2. Any higher than that, and the calculator is generally clueless, and tries to come to some sort of useless numerical approximation.They're useful for checking work, mainly.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
