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Comment Re: Cool idea, but never happen... (Score 1) 368

In the past, groups of companies have shown a considerable degree of cooperation in trying to influence politics. Usually that takes the form of founding trade organizations which then do the actual lobbying. For instance the RIAA when it comes to lobbying for stricter copyright laws. No assumption here, simply observation ;-)

For an example of suppression that has at least some evidence behind it, consider http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent_encumbrance_of_large_automotive_NiMH_batteries.

The RIAA is a legal organization that acts overtly. It also doesn't consist of a bunch of companies agreeing to intentionally limit their core business activities.

Comment Re:Like healthy citarettes (Score 1) 365

Access to natural gas in Russia? Not access to natural gas within EU borders? That is hardly comparable to the quantities of natural gas that the US has within its US borders.

How's those lack of drilling permits, and cockblocking of things like Keystone XL working out for you guys these days anyway? Oh right...enjoy those soaring energy prices.

The US populace has no idea about what drives its energy costs. Keystone won't solve shit - it will however make a bunch of oil execs very rich, at the possible expense of thousands of kilometers of natural water resources. Oil is fungible - it makes no difference if it's refined in Canada or the US - the pipeline is purely about American oil interests getting to refine Canadian crude, as opposed to canadians, europeans, arabs or the chinese.

Demand is going up because demand is going up - keystone won't make a dent. But it might just end a bunch of important ecosystems.

Comment Re:Know how I know you didn't read the article? (Score 1) 365

But it was a research scale reactor. It would've been built out of on hand components, and costs cut where necessary - automated systems for new technology aren't easy to develop even if they're all understood principles. Far easier to have someone sleep next to the thing with an alarm clock and test the actual new technology.

Comment Re: Cool idea, but never happen... (Score 4, Interesting) 368

Also born of ignorance: conspiracy theories depend on every allegedly greedy company acting with surprising benevolence for it's community of allegedly greedy companies.

They all fall down where they simply assume that all these companies unanimously feel they'll be better off if they collaborate and suppress something. They never manage to explain why every individual conspirator wouldn't be working as hard as they can to eliminate the others, which gets especially murky when you consider that the individual companies aren't companies but people, and people get concerned about things like legacy and principles and whatever (which simultaneously leads to good things - tech companies building spaceships - and bad things - the Koch brothers believing they're still fighting communism or something).

Comment Re:NASA (Score 2) 71

The interstellar space age isn't going to begin for humanity for several centuries at the earliest, barring some sort of breakthrough that allows us to travel between locations faster than light takes to travel between them.

I think we're all generally assuming that something will eventually be discovered, hopefully sooner rather then later.

Comment Re:Figure out where he is located (Score 0) 884

It's notable that Zimmerman is only facing scrutiny because he probably followed a guy in his car, started the fight, and then shot him as well (which is rather similar to basically murder).

Someone coming onto your property and attacking you, in a Stand Your Ground state, I doubt would have to do much more then file a statement.

Comment Re:Big deal... (Score 1) 848

The one good point you have is diluted in a sea of bullshit (we should have nuclear power - of course, the nuclear industry tends to do a bad job of being trustworthy, but then at the edge of that we've got a government that's not really providing them with the right protections to allow them to be open and transparent either).

I don't know what you're raving on about with diesel.

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