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Comment Re:It's not what it would seem. (Score -1) 154

No He didn't. Just because the Bible says nothing about dinosaurs doesn't mean they don't exist. It mentions nothing about computers, but we're clearly on them! :)

The Bible is "66 love letters from the Creator to the created, in hopes of redeeming them all." So what, exactly would the Bible tell Adam about dinosaurs? They were millions of years apart. "Don't trip on the dinosaur poop, if you find it?" Nah.

I just can't look at caveman bones or other fossil records and say they don't exist; that's just STUPID. God doesn't give us faulty data. Imagine how faulty "Let there be light" sounded all those centuries while no one knew anything about a singularity and E=MC2? Or the "Earth is suspended from nothing" line in Genesis while other religions had it on the back of Atlas, balanced on the trunk of an elephant which was floating in milk. No, nobody else got it right, but why would they?

What this DOES likely mean: they're gonna rename all the dinosaurs again. DAMMIT! A third set of names, in my lifetime. I was just getting used to the Brontosaurus being the Tracheosaurus and I suppose it'll wind up simply being "The neck monster". :>

But in a way this kind of thing disparages science more than Christianity; it will point out that science didn't have a complete picture of dinosaurs all those times, before. :/ [snarky grin!]

Comment Here's one, right here! (Score -1) 271

Just as the original poster was saying, we might not find out what good these findings are for some time.

As an example, I've found out why ducks poop. Yes, yes I spent years and billions of dollars tracking down the reason so that all of you can take heed and learn the truth: they eat.

Just spending time and money sitting on something for decades hoping for relevance isn't all that useful (as in the example above). I mean, we needed smaller wires and smaller transistors for space we came up with semiconductors where the entire circuits were built in silicon. (as opposed to discrete components). We didn't sit on the side of the road and count buses.

Scientific progress that requires we wait for years for something to show isn't's loitering. There are *many* clever experimenters out there. Because your 32-year project is funded, theirs aren't.

Every kid who's ever looked at a dish on the table and tried to move it with his mind, eventually gets up and grabs it. Because that's how real learning/discovery/proving gets done.

Comment Re:Surprised? (Score -1) 223

It might be a little bigger than this.

Recall that high levels of RF radiation cause heating. (See also: the microwave in your house.) This will create a 'hole' in the clouds better than any airplane. A number of places seem to have "hole punch" holes over them all the time...that's because, whether they wish to admit it, they're using a high powered radar in the building.

Maybe this urge to suggest widely the concept of aircraft-caused phenomenon is because they're gonna leave these radar on?

Just a thought; I actually saw photos of one such place...we bombed it, I believe...

Comment Clearly! (Score -1) 438

Remember all that "Government Oversight" that's supposed to be so good, that everything worth taking over, must have some?

11 months ago the Obama Administration (i.e. the federal government) gave it a SAFETY AWARD! And, same administration was given (I think it was) $11m!

Cozy, huh? THIS IS WHY we don't need government involvement in every breath we take. I know, most of you out there think the government is only an infinite source of MONEY, but the reverse is true: we're broke. And everything they've done has only made it worse!

Please: pay attention to history. Learn that socialism is misery to whoever's dumb enough to permit it.

Comment Re:No, actually it doesn't. (Score -1) 1123

Ya know, I couldn't have painted a better picture of a person knowledgeable, but unwilling, to accept if I'd pulled an all-nighter. You made all the arguments I once did.

But I'm really not here to talk to you: you've already decided there *IS* a god, and you want to be elsewhere. Don't feel bad: that's this "meaning of life" you've heard about. It's the very reason this rock spins in the orbit it does. It's the reason why we won't be sliding off into a black hole, or blowing ourselves up anytime soon, unless every possible person has had the chance to decide for himself, what he believes.

As for me, I've already been through the high life. I'm embarrased to tell you all the things I did in Chicago and my hometown before I got saved. There are just SOME tales you don't tell the kids, or anyone for that matter. But despite the money, the responsibility, the FUN that I was having in brief spurts, it was empty.

One night I 'met' that off-board intelligence. My life's never been the same. But I'm not gonna bore you with it: you don't wish to know. Just know, when you're ready, He is...but you have to be _alive_ to chose.

Now I live to take care of Mom, 79. We're almost to the bathing-and-wiping phase of her care. Spending all the time on her, there's no time for a job, so poverty is a way of life. But as much as I'd RATHER be water skiing or being dropped from a helicopter to ski down a mountain, this work is meaningful.

I understand why there are ghosts. I know where this "simple life" you seek, went. I know why bad things happen to people. And I know that, if a tree lands on me tomorrow, I'm good with it.

The change is subtle, but not punative. Honestly: it's *possible* that Hitler could get saved. Not bloody likely, but possible. And he'd be just as welcomed as I will. But explain-away all you like. Don't bother 'wasting time' learning how the Bible, like all other literature has it's genres, and parts read like the Wall Street Journal, and parts like Stan Lee. Be sure to tell all your friends that God is just an inventive tool that makes people buy things and displays for all the idiocy they have to the 'real people'.

Understand that on judgment day, no one's gonna raise a fist and say "I was wronged!" You'll go where you wish. You're deciding now. Do what you want.

Comment No, actually it doesn't. (Score -1) 1123

When science and religion don't agree, you have bad science, or bad theology. The two agree, they don't oppose.

Remember the Pope, throwing a Copernicus into home-arrest for suggesting we're on just one of the planets circling the sun, we're NOT the center of the universe?

Bad theology.

Remember Darwin saying every animal started from the splitting of one elemental animal, over and over, until changes made them the diverse collection they are? Then someone finds a trilobite (compound eyes, vertebrae, complete digestion system) and it's the oldest animal in the fossil records, other than the "carpet mold" of the pre-Cambrian era?

Bad science.

Guys, I know what the media tells you. But consider this:

1. Greeks: The Earth is on Atlas' shoulders.
2. Bhuddists: it's on the back of a fish.
3. Indian: An elephant floats on it's back in a sea of milk, with the earth balanced on it's trunk, under a ceiling of stars.
4. Judeo/Christian: "The Earth is suspended from nothing".

There's your datapoint, late in Genesis. How would mankind KNOW this?

The Bible CAN'T be true, yet THIS IS. Prove the rest wrong, too.

Isn't that what scientists _DO_?

Here's help: Simplified, accurate docs. Videos from a geologist who did this.

Comment One simple question... (Score 0, Interesting) 75

Freshwater is in short supply. They're right on the ocean.

WHY DON'T WE HAVE THIRTY OF THEM? Why does the government SO PROFOUND it can save millions of dollars by doing healthcare think that keeping desalination plants away is a good idea?

Desalination plants of all kinds are in place around the world, whether using this design or why would anyone deny them?

Really, people: let's work the problem!

Comment Is this really so invisible to you guys? (Score -1, Troll) 427

*I* *KNOW* you want faster downloads. This is NOT the way to get it.

Starting at that _very_first_ruling_ the federal government will then have precedence to do *anything*they*want. As anyone who lost their life savings in GM when the Fed decided to take them over to save the union.

Want the internet taxed? Want content controls that make no sense? Want people snooping *constantly* with the power to decrypt most anything you send?

Just pursue this. You'll be lucky they don't decide they own the ethernet to your computer, your wireless, and your dog and cat!

Take it from a guy that's seen a LOT of well-intentioned laws come and then never leave. It's called "Government Oversight".

Nuclear Power
Tobacco Companies
Big Pharma
Big Chem
Savings & Loans
Wall Street (trading) companies
College Loans

All these industries:

1: get crippled by congressional law.
2: money from the fed comes to save the day (it seems)
3: an argument is made that government oversight is needed to stop "greed".
4: repeat.

The internet's the best way for a concerned populace to stay in charge of the government. PLEASE don't make a deal with the devil because you hunger for faster downloads. I promise you: it's not worth it!

Now I ask you: is there anything the government has done competently in your LIFETIME? I mean, other than spend your money and get us in debt...

Comment Corporate Discipline (Score -1) 216

I was once a system administrator; a pretty good one, too. Every tool I wrote would let me know if it exceeded it's expectations, I re-used a lot of code, and did a lot of work after-hours. Sysadmins with their feet up aren't as "done" as they think. Documentation, from labelling wires to straightening out archives, takes a lot of time to do right.

From my vantage point, the job of corporate discipline was mine: if a piece of equipment was about to get overloaded, it was ME that found replacements, considered the compatibility, and searched by price to find the replacement. The changeover was scheduled on a weekend with a set of test-data that would let me rollback in case of failure.

We were 'just' running cash registers and PCs that both ran specific software and did research on the one was in a capsule nor was their life on the line...but if you're gonna do this job, you have to _own_ it. And every second a cash register is down is a second the boss might be losing money. So yeah, it's mission-critical.

From my perch as number-2 in the organization, I had *only* the rights to make suggestions and to stop the boss from driving off into a canyon. It was really the only power I had. It felt kinda like the coroner of a small town: the only guy that could arrest anyone but the sheriff...and that person WAS the sheriff.

If you're being asked to do things with infrastructure that won't allow it, someone in your organization has succumbed to the need to finish something without _actually_finishing_ something. The job's not over until everything's back to the way it was...or better..than when the disturbance began. It's not just about setup for a project, it's for life after it, too.

That's not management's fault, unless it's for hiring people who don't look past their own keyboards. We don't just work when it's glorious...and it's never glorious. We work all the time in anticipation of getting swamped by the next increase of workload....and those of use good at it, we love it for that challenge.

Comment What about that pope? (Score -1) 369

Hi; Christian, Conservative guy, here. You know, the one you mark as 'troll' all the time because you have such "open" minds?

I didn't realize he was treated so badly; it's no way for one of the most competent thinkers in mankind's history to be treated.

Ya see, when science and religion don't agree, we have bad science, or bad theology. In this case, it was bad theology. Nothing in the Bible suggests nor infers the movement of all bodies around this one.


There *is* however a line in Genesis that declares that "Earth is suspended from nothign" and it talks about a once-for-mankind event where "two are in a field [daytime], one will be taken, one will be left" and curiously "two are in their beds asleep,[night time] one will be taken, one will be left". This despite the certainty lacked at the time of it's writing, suggests the Earth is round.

The problem you guys have with Christianity is the PEOPLE who practice it. People are people, and they have their weaknesses. In this case, the Pope was trying to assert Earth's locational center, as well as it's importance-center.

But let's remember this (or similarly-timed) pope decided from thin air that Mary Magelene, a woman he'd never met, and had no reason to believe so, was a prostitute.

Other popes declared the "Prophecy of Malochi" to have named EVERY POPE THAT WILL BE! (But notice nowdays how every pope gives up his old name, and uses the one in the "prophesy" under which to work.

Just because a fraction of the people in Christendom are wonky, don't suggest they all are. Have you never met a wonky person elsewhere?

I was saved in August a few years back. I know the purpose of this place and the reason I get bonked on this system. I know why ghosts do what they do, and back up as much as possible with the fossil record. The explosion of phyla in the Cambrian Era? This reality starting as a burst of light? The Bible got those right, already.

Now tell me how, and we'll have a great conversation!

Comment Requiem for flying cars... (Score -1) 184

Perhaps the same people that convinced us that "there must be human life everywhere, like on Star Trek" on "millions and millions" of worlds was the same guy who told us there'd be flying cars.

I know what the movies have said for so long...isn't it *possible* we're alone?

Our existence looks like quite a long-shot; 90% of the stars out there don't have so much as terra firma, much less ATM machines.

Every time NASA foists a planet "Just like Earth" it comes with a 15G gravity or really, really, really bad hotel service. :)

But it's more than that. For man to evolve and even *know* other planets exist, for example, they have to be on planets far enough from black holes AND in places where the view is not obscured.

What will happen to science as we get better and better sensors and we can't find anyone/thing suggesting intelligence? Will it survive?

Comment Re:It's all relative (Score -1) 248

Well, is it?

I mean, the test to prove that a .45 fired at one's head causes death: that's a quick and sure test.

How many dozens of tests have there been done, and by both interested parties? 2? 3?

I submit that if a danger was truly there, two of the myriad tests would have made it clear.

Oh, wait: do we have to wait for a 'concensus' before we 'decide' what reality is? GlobalWarming left such a bad example...

Comment Show Me! (Score -1) 1238

There's one party constantly reminding us that sex is safe (it's not) that drugs are something everyone should try (they shouldn't) and some people are just 'inconvenient' like the unborn, the elderly that smell bad, and anyone who votes republican. And all decisions, including whether to allow you to be a doctor, or whether you get a loan for college depends on how you treat the politburo. And assuming you GET to buy a house, they'll be deciding whether you get a loan.

(This is today, not near-future: this is now law.)

Then we have the right. It knows sex is, and will always be dangerous. Ask the tsunami of STD victims. Ask the single mothers with multiple 'baby daddies' that now seem normal. Ask drug, wait: they're dead.

It doesn't want porn distributed freely like free samples at a public outing, it wants you to be happy, and to keep the government out of your life as much as possible. It DOES NOT want to convert you; that's both a promise of the founders AND the Christians you fear for some reason.

But there is a truth: mankind operates in an 'envelope'. Having his *every* whim destroys him. There are things he needs, things he should avoid, and some of what he needs is to make his own decisions and have a reason to wake every morning; a purpose- something to do. Not welfare.

6,000 years ago this 'envelope' was identified and given to mankind, and every time he's stepped outside it, there's crime in the streets, there's rampant flesh markets, disease, and most of all: suffering. How many times must we cycle through this to get it right?

If we HAVE a hard-right demographic among us, what does it look like? The TEA Parties are individuals following historic tradition of dissent and outrage, followed by a change in voting. No violence, not even trashing the place. Both suggestions come from the TV, not reality. Kinda like, Sarah Palin never saying the words "I can see Russia from my back porch" because Tina Fey did.

But no Nazi comparisons, please: you farts are too young to truly remember that horror. And this is nothing like it; it's an honest attempt to get freedom back, period. Going back to the government that doesn't butt in, the government that actually *protects* you during a war, not helping, and bowing to, the enemy. A place where work is the only thing between you and your dreams.

Our televisions are set on Left-Central. So where's this big right-wing storm-trooping going on?

Comment Re:So... (Score 0) 411

No, you've already got the hat; the pointed one of the left that simultaneously tells us you're racially unbiased, then pushes for racial quotas for hiring, even at the Supreme Court where wisdom matters most.

Or at the union level, where union leaders take in BILLIONS of dollars that goes to the democrat party (the native, but not only home of progressivism) in the name of "keeping wages high for the dignity of the American worker".

Well, the democrats take that money and find any possible way to open the borders. Feel free to check. A handful of progressive republicans do this, like McCain and Graham, and they get the ire of the rest of us.

Tell me, with your pointed hat firmly affixed, how does funding the party trying to open the borders protect the jobs of the Americans?

I know it's tough; you have programming to defeat. But listen to Limbaugh anyway. There's no gotcha-moment, there's how things happen by "ducks and bunnies" on one side of the argument, and political realities, historical proof and proven theories on the other.

As I told the other guy: no one spends their way into prosperity. Ask the Japanese government, Greece, France, and all other losing people who have tried and failed. Spending money is not generating money (other than for political friends).

Six times now, supply-side economics have been used, and six times they have worked. If the president's intention was to improve things, why isn't he using the proven-good method?

Have you listened to the video clips of this guy?

Have you seen his now-cabinet members as they lionize savage communist leaders that killed millions of their own people, and whose countries lead the way in loss of personal freedom?

Have you heard of Cloward and Piven, two guys who got their PhD's by suggesting everyone on welfare would be a unique and wonderful world? They're now working in the adminstration.

Are you aware his friend, advisor and political helper bombed the Pentagon, and "didn't go far enough" in his efforts?

I'm sorry- where's the tin-hat come in? This stuff's on YouTube and all over the place. There's no hidden conspiracy: they tell us in their own words.

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