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Comment Freedom of choice for women == non-technology (Score 1) 647


In countries where women have *more* choice, most women don't go into math/science related fields.

In countries where women have *less* choice, many more women do.

The conversation is not about career capacity. It's about choice.

Ironically, what people seem to be worried about is that when women have greater freedom of choice, they don't choose the same thing as men do. ...And apparently that's a problem.

We live in strange times.

Comment Re:For them theoretically hacking a private org? (Score 1) 352


There is zero proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC. Zippo.

What this is, is a president desperately trying to stay true to his promise to not put more boots on the ground. (Commendably). But also keep favor with the war-party heading into an election where the Democrats are traditionally unloved. (Not so commendably).

But... The war-party knows only too well that this is a trap: A back-door into starting the war they've been dreaming about for decades.

Comment Re:Is this in the US only?? (Score 0) 191

Whoa careful now. That sounds like the kind of question a scientist would ask.

You're being far too logical. Are you a climatologist? Please leave the evidence-based questions to the professionals.

There's grant money on the table here and cogent questions like that can really mess things up.

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