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Comment Re:Ha! That'll show them hippies! (Score 4, Informative) 874

Too fucking right! Those big money scientists are faking the whole global warming thing so they can rake in the big bucks.

Phil Jones, the man who just stepped down has received $22.6 million in grants since 1990.

Research has shown that when the Sahara was grassland it was due to a warmer global climate (including more CO2 in the atmosphere).

You're reaction is hilarious because you refuse to look at any facts or allegations. These e-mails show that only a few scientists were corrupt, but they happened to be the ones most influencing policy at the IPCC. The rest of the scientists just flock to grant money and worry about peer pressure.

This in itself has become a major scandal, not least Dr Jones's refusal to release the basic data from which the CRU derives its hugely influential temperature record, which culminated last summer in his startling claim that much of the data from all over the world had simply got "lost". Most incriminating of all are the emails in which scientists are advised to delete large chunks of data, which, when this is done after receipt of a freedom of information request, is a criminal offence.

Comment Re:Rule #1 of government.... (Score 1) 124


The primary function of government is to pretend to fail.

That way they get more money and power to correct the failure. If the purpose was to "fail" then it is no longer a failure and should be considered an accomplishment.

Anytime you hear "failure of..." anything involved with government replace it with accomplishment.

Comment Re:automated tool for locating cells? (Score 5, Informative) 315

Automated tool for locating cells? wow that sounds like an invitation for disaster and abuse. So what happens first, someone hacks it, or it's used in a 1984 style manner? (my guess is the latter has already happened/happening.)

Your latter guess has been mandated by law since the passage of the 1996 telecommunications act. Your cell phone can be listened to and tracked anywhere within coverage area as long as your cellphone has its battery inserted.

Comment Re:Ooooh... Intercontinental (Score 3, Informative) 140

Calling 23 miles "intercontinental" seems disingenuous. I mean, I could drive down to Mexico and make an "intercontinental" jump of 1 foot... But labeling it as such is just stupid.

I know as American's we're supposed to hate Mexico, but they are still on the same continent as the US.

There are a few good examples of short intercontinental flight that would make it even more trivial which you could have used. The Suez Canal and Bosporous would be suitable candidates.

Comment Re:So much raw data (Score 5, Informative) 309

Every conspircay theorist in the world just simultaneously orgasmed. All those messages to pick through; I'm sure they'll be able to prove it was the US Government/Al-Qaeda/Joseph Fritzel/The Cookie Monster/Scientologists all along.

The NORAD tapes, which were released long ago proved that there was a conspiracy by The Pentagon to lie to the 9/11 Commission and the American people. The 9/11 Commission had a closed meeting deciding whether or not to charge Air Force officials with perjury but chose not to because "it wouldn't be good for the country."

John Farmer, senior counsel on the 9/11 Commission said, "at some level of the government, at some point in time...there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened [during 9/11]"

6 of the 10 Commissioners have come out saying that they were lied to and that the report is not accurate.

“More than one-quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Report refer to CIA interrogations of al Qaeda operatives subjected to the now-controversial interrogation techniques,” writes former NBC producer Robert Windrem in The Daily Beast. “In fact, information derived from the interrogations was central to the 9/11 Report’s most critical chapters, those on the planning and execution of the attacks.”

We've been lied to about 9/11 from day one. It needs to be investigated further. If 6 out of the 10 Commissioners are distancing themselves from the report by saying they were lied to something isn't right. Burying your head deeper into the sand won't help.

Comment Re:And FTL, too (Score 1, Interesting) 575

"Gia Dvali, a quantum gravity expert at CERN, remains cautious. A few years ago he tried a similar trick, breaking apart space and time in an attempt to explain dark energy. But he abandoned his model because it allowed information to be communicated faster than the speed of light."

I'd call that a feature, not a bug!

A good scientist would be saying, "Stockholm, baby!"

If you're a scientist looking to improve upon a theory it may be helpful to realize that something assumed by the current theory has to not be correct.

This is what gets me as a person who loves science. There are way too many people who view religion as silly, yet their views on science are just as dogmatic.

Comment Re:Fermi-based? (Score 1) 220

I assume they mean the scientist Enrico Fermi. So, did they dig him up, or is this one of those Jesus fingerbone type of thing, where there are more fingerbones than there are chickens? Did they use the whole Fermi, or are there only specific pieces of him that work? Whatever the case, there must be a limited number of cards that can be built, since there is a finite amount of Fermi.

They used his skull with the jawbone of an orangutan.

Comment Just take it at birth like in the USSA (Score 2, Interesting) 141

Here in the United States they've taken your DNA from birth since the 1970's (even earlier if you were in the military or other government programs). Every state does it. They bury the "consent" form in the mountains of paperwork you need to sign while at the hospital. That's if they haven't gotten rid of the consent requirement. Minnesota got rid of parental consent in 1997.

Even though some states let you "opt out" by having them destroy the blood samples after the tests they still keep all the information obtained. They then sell that information to companies, who then patent your DNA. If you ever require gene therapy you'll have to pay that company a large sum to use your own DNA. Who knows what else they do to it.


Comment Re:Easier solution: (Score 0, Troll) 801

Massive cash awards to US scientists. These kids choose not to go into science because it is not cool. Why is it not cool? Lots of hardwork and small incomes. If you give scientists boat loads of money, they become cool.

Instead we will waste another $huge_amount dollars on some lame education effort only to have the kids still want to be Kobe Bryant, or Dr. Dre.

You're funny. They already do this in who they funnel money to for grants. This is why you see scientists in climate research doing everything they can to squelch opposing views, block FOIA requests and most likely fudge data. If this "climate gate" shows anything is that there are way too many scientists who hold their views, reputation and grant money much higher than the scientific process. Give scientists more money and you're only going to encourage psychopaths who are in it for money.


This is truly awful. GRL has gone downhill rapidly in recent years.

I think the decline began before Saiers. I have had some unhelpful dealings with him recently with regard to a paper Sarah and I have on glaciers — it was well received by the referees, and so is in the publication pipeline. However, I got the impression that Saiers was trying to keep it from being published.

Proving bad behavior here is very difficult. If you think that Saiers is in the greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we can find documentary evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get him ousted. Even this would be difficult.

How different is the GRL paper from the Nature paper? Did the authors counter any of the criticisms? My experience with Douglass is that the identical (bar format changes) paper to one previously rejected was submitted to GRL.



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