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Comment Re:Our company buys a ton of stuff from Tiger (Score 1) 214

I have had similar experiences with TigerDirect. I recently bought a Nokia n810 Internet Tablet from TD, but only because they beat all other prices via an email ad (which I usually just throw away).

Yes, I do usually ignore TD and buy at Newegg, but the device is pretty much an appliance and reading the details sheet was not a refurb, so what could they possibly do to screw it up?

Comment Re:Rent-a-cops (Score 1) 1079

Mod parent confused!
While the Boston College PD likely consists of real police officers, the link you have given refers to the police at Boston University, which is a totally different institution.

It is very easy to confuse colleges in Boston considering that there are about 25 of them ( http://education-portal.com/number_of_colleges_in_boston.html )

Comment Re:159357 popular with lefties? (Score 3, Informative) 299

Another leftie here...
I never use the mouse on the left and switching the button layout seems like an awkward hassle.

Maybe I'm not used to it because I tend to use public computers where admins would disapprove of re-arranging.
I'm just so used to the regular right-handed mouse and don't know any lefties for aren't.

ZFS Confirmed In Mac OS X Server Snow Leopard 178

number655321 writes "Apple has confirmed the inclusion of ZFS in the forthcoming OS X Server Snow Leopard. From Apple's site: 'For business-critical server deployments, Snow Leopard Server adds read and write support for the high-performance, 128-bit ZFS file system, which includes advanced features such as storage pooling, data redundancy, automatic error correction, dynamic volume expansion, and snapshots.' CTO of Storage Technologies at Sun Microsystems, Jeff Bonwick, is hosting a discussion on his blog. What does this mean for the 'client' version of OS X Snow Leopard?"

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