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Comment Re:The competition is OSX (Score 1) 792

But we are talking Windows 7 here, which is most definitely NOT targeted at servers.
"Microsoft is offering six versions of Windows 7: Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, OEM and Enterprise. The three versions that Redmond will be promoting most heavily are Home Premium, Professional and Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, although Starter will also be available to consumers."
Are all these non-server versions in your view?

Comment Re:This is why the tagging system sucks... (Score 1) 792

Here we are discussing about the new features of a shiny new OS and people complain about others not having read TFA. Talk of priorities. Incidenatally, MS seems to have paid considerable attention to ensuring that it shuts down faster as compared to earlier offerings. Also "Files added to the hard drive were indexed so fast that they were searchable less than 5 seconds later."

Submission + - Dell lays off 200 at small-town call center

mr_josh writes: "Dell closed its Roseburg, OR call center this morning, giving its employees less than 24 hours notice. FTFA:

"They've already had all of our checks cut," said another employee, Travis Dominguez. "They knew the whole thing was coming and everything."

Roseburg is a small (about 25,000 people) timber town in southern Oregon, and it was a pretty big deal when this call center opened in 2002. They were given huge property tax incentives at the time of their opening, and those incentives are about to run out. Also, some employees from the call center put together a lawsuit several months ago, "claiming Dell violated federal and state wage and hour laws."


http://www.newsreview.info/article/20070802/NEWS/7 0802014"

Submission + - ICFP 2007 missed by slashdot ??

achten writes: Looks like slashdot has missed the annual news item about ICFP 2007. Surely there is nothing I can add to the glory of this contest by writing my own opinion here. So, everybody knows what it is. Details on the year 2007 contest are on ICFP contest page

Submission + - ICFP 2007 missed by slashdot

achten writes: Looks like slashdot has missed the annual news item about ICFP 2007. Surely there is nothing I can add to the glory of this contest by writing my own opinion here. So, everybody knows what it is. All details here hh

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