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Comment Re:Yeah, it was her fault (Score 1) 698

Forget for a moment that the car might have been able to brake. It should also make better decisions, faster than a human. I would assume that there's some sort of physics engine running there that can calculate a best move..

There was another lane there, and maybe it was impossible once she showed in the visual spectrum (I agree LIDAR should have been there stopping the car long before that point) for the car to be stopped in time, but I'm pretty sure in that case, I would have swerved left which would have only required a foot or two to save that person's life. The car had time to do that for sure.

Comment Re:Off air antenna. (Score 1) 384

My Tivo OTA has Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu (and many others) built in.

As a bonus, it mixes the content from them with the OTA shows so that you get one simple interface. If we have a subscription to the "Wild Kratz", then it shows us recent recordings it's made, along with the Amazon Prime Video episodes, and launches the app or plays the video depending on what you click on.

Comment I've never been robbed... (Score 5, Insightful) 660 least of cash like you're talking about..

I've also always heard people say it was dangerous to carry cash, but I don't think it is that much.. At least for robbery.. I know myself though, and I'd be sure to accidentally lose it if I carried cash.. Nobody to blame but myself, but it's still "dangerous" for me to carry cash.

My dad always carried cash though, and one time in the early years of his dementia he got lost (forgot where he parked) and ended up wandering around town. He's diabetic, and his blood sugar got way off exacerbating the situation. Some good samaritans stopped to help him out when he started looking like he had a real problem, and ended up searching his wallet to try to figure out how to help him (calling family or whatever).. When it was all said and done, at least three different complete strangers had dug through his wallet in their efforts to try to help him. When we met up at the hospital later and security passed his belongings along to us, we found that he had a little over $1000 dollars in his wallet still. Now, I have no idea for sure what he started with, but I'm pretty sure it was exactly what he still had in there at the end of the day.

The whole incident really made me rethink that whole "people are always trying to steal from you" mentality that we get pounded into us by the pessimists of society. I think generally people almost always do the right thing when given the chance, which I guess includes not robbing you of your cash in your wallet.

Comment Re:Flying car? (Score 1) 148

Yeah, that thing is a useless toy.. It can't take you wherever you want to go, which would be the point of a flying car..

It's a neat toy, but it's not really even any kind of technical marvel.. It's just a bigger version of a common drone with a seat and pontoons.. It's really something a motivated hobbiest could have made in a weekend by just retrofitting something with bigger motors, props, batteries and speed controllers..

Mind you, it does look like a crap load of fun, but I wouldn't call it newsworthy at all..

Now, the Flyboard Air ( looks like a bit of a technical marvel.. If you want a personal aircraft, that's your toy.. and it'll fit in the trunk of your car, so maybe it's not a flying car, but it could get you out of traffic in a pinch (and probably kill you in an instant if you're not extremely careful.. or even if you are)...

Comment Re:Golden age of remakes maybe (Score 1) 1222


I appreciate that they didn't dumb everything down, and that they had actual characters and a story.... and a realistic view of science.

Most of the time when something is "invented" in a sci-fi movie, it's all about pretty lights and special effects. In real science new inventions usually look relatively boring. The second and third versions get the LED treatments and the fancy paint jobs..

Ya know, I could go on all day about what Primer does right.. That's why it's my favorite by far.

Comment I own bitcoins.. (Score 2) 52

It seems likely that most people who actually own bitcoins would fall into one or both of those categories.

...and I don't (completely) fall into either of those categories.
I don't need to keep absolute control of all my bitcoins all the time (I'll transfer some spending coin to Coinbase periodically), and I'm perfectly fine with my identity being know. I know plenty of people with similar needs.

I'll probably go get myself one of these cards soon.

Comment There's a problem with the question... (Score 1) 508

If they don't have a computer, they probably don't have the internet connection they'll also need for your described work flow. In the end, the internet connection is going to cost more than the computer, even with your $170 option.

Of course, they could go use internet at the library, but then it needs to be portable (higher cost) and they already had an option to use a computer there so what are we actually solving.

I think trying to get below the price point of a raspberry pi isn't going to be worth the trouble. I think you can lower your price point on that if you try though.. Looking to price on up cheaply I get: pi 2b ($35), case ($4), wifi ($4), micro sdhc ($4), ac usb charger ($3), usb wire ($2), keyboard ($7), mouse ($2). ...for a grand total of: $61 dollars... OK, and I went with the cheapest available (mostly) so a prudent choice would likely cost a few dollars more.. That means that basically your estimate was right on! Doh! I guess I take for granted that I have almost all those cheap little parts already laying all over the place at our house..

Still, I think you can help them put the parts together, and it's probably your best bet.. Anything cheaper is going to quickly lose functionality/quality. A Pi is a really solid little machine for basic computing, and it's really well supported.

Comment Re:If I had to pick just one (Score 1) 889


I've found that configuring the heck out of Compiz lets me create an environment that suits me well.. One that I have never been able to even remotely come close to under any version of windows.. Some versions of Compiz (or it's plug-ins) could be more stable though.. They're generally fine when just being used, but sometimes I get crashes when re-configuring..

Try installing "ccsm" (compiz config settings manager) and see if you can adjust things to your liking..

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