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Comment Heat pumps (Score 1) 161

Are common in colder climates. Denmark, Norway etc. often air to water - and water is used to heat the house.
If the two sides are near same temp, then 1W of electricity can generate 4W or more of cooling/Heating.
Many Electric cars comes with heat pumps. Can heat/cool the cabin and battery at a higher efficiency than classic A/C.

Comment I do it the old way (Score 1) 203

I am not working as a developer any more. Work with Security. But I still use multiple different programming language on a weekly basis.
It is not that difficult. You learn and you learn to lookup reference docs. I hate to call a function I donâ(TM)t know what really does.
Copy/paste (including the bugs) is bad. Makes the written code tainted and somebody elseâ(TM)s. And way too difficult to fix. Better to have had the thought process.

Comment Unregulated US (Score 1) 75

An unregulated US charging market is a problem.
For charging market to work it needs roaming at fair prices. 1 standard connector at all chargers and cars.

Works great in Europe. Here the bottleneck is electricity companies not able to deliver cable to all those who want. At my work place it has been decided to put up 100 11/22kW chargers.

On busy weekends the fast chargers between cities is a bottleneck.

Comment Re: I can understand why (Score 1) 498

Most of the problems would never had existed if there was lower salary, that would decrease CO2, property prices, financial catastrophes. But not the last.
Poverty would solve many problems.
And create others.

Status / wealth is measured in CO2 consumption. High prices of properties because some people can do it. Population grows faster. 20
Floor concrete paradises like in Soviet would help. But cause other problems.

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