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Comment Re:Domscheit-Berg (Score 1) 79

Anyone can be labeled a spook and you can have people who are spooks who never know they are spooks. There are unwitting spooks who think they aren't.

No there aren't. If you are unwittingly providing intelligence to a spy or other intelligence operative, that makes you an "asset" , not a spook. The spook would be whomever is exploiting you to get to the information.

Comment Re:q&a seems totally legit (Score 1) 349

Because in real life terrorists have never attacked a US Navy ship while it sat in port before. Oh, wait.

Individual sailors' downtime habits probably aren't very interesting to an attacker, but the same data in aggregate might very well be -- it could be useful for determining when watches begin and end, for instance.

Comment Re:Wonderful, but... (Score 4, Informative) 289

Yeah, but titles that never made it to home video are unlikely to ever have been revived in theaters, either. Song of the South, for instance, has been suppressed because Disney is embarrassed about its racist content; it's hard to imagine that if home video suddenly disappeared Disney would ever consent to it being shown in theaters.

Comment Re:Wonderful, but... (Score 4, Interesting) 289

The reason is called "home video." Before the VCR came along, studios would periodically do revival showings of popular older films in theaters. But when home video made the entire Hollywood back catalog available for viewing anywhere anytime, the economic rationale for re-releasing classics in theaters disappeared.

Comment Re:That's odd (Score 1) 455

The Nazi's burned the Reichstag to gain popular support

Most historians today believe that the Reichstag fire was actually set by the Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe as an act of protest against the Nazis; what debate remains centers around whether he acted alone or had ideologically-aligned accomplices. It's generally felt that the Nazis had no involvement in setting the fire and were just very aggressive and clever at using the unforeseen-by-them event to push forward their agenda.

Comment Re:And worse, with random abbreviations (Score 1) 642

That's what makes the *NIX command line even worse as a tool (not saying the Windows command line is better, but you needn't use it) is that commands are all kinds of random abbreviations.

They are abbreviations, but they aren't random. Neal Stephenson explained the "why" of this in his essay In the Beginning Was The Command Line :

Note the obsessive use of abbreviations and avoidance of capital letters; this is a system invented by people to whom repetitive stress disorder is what black lung is to miners. Long names get worn down to three-letter nubbins, like stones smoothed by a river.

Comment Re:Just keep calm... (Score 4, Insightful) 1059

They're called "Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response" teams? Seriously? That has got to be a backronym.

"OK, so we put these teams together. What do we call them?"

"I dunno. Should probably be something that sounds all scary and badass. You know, to scare the bad guys when they hear you're coming."

"Snakes are badass. How about COBRA teams? Cobras are scary."

"Nah, that sounds like a GI Joe episode. I like the general idea though."

"OK then, how about VIPER teams?"

"Ooh, that's good. VIPER. I like it."

"Great. Now we just need to figure out what the hell VIPER stands for."

... six hours later ...

"I can't think of a word for the E either. Screw it, we'll just leave it out. VIPR teams. Same difference."

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