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Comment Re:In honor of Programmer's Day (Score 1) 306

Yeah, those extra two hours a day are really killing me. :) There are plenty of places in the United States willing to hire you to work part time or less than 8 hours a day. You just wont make as much as someone willing to do 8-10 hours a day. Call me crazy, but that seems fair to me. I am sure Lenin and Stalin would have disagreed with me though.

I prefer living in a country where the government allows me to make that choice rather than telling people how to live through legislation.

Comment Re:In honor of Programmer's Day (Score 2, Insightful) 306

Amazing how defenses of Bolshevik economics get modded up in spite of how truly horrible it was to actually live in an economy like that. I would rather work in a country where you can actually earn something for a full days work than one where the government comes in and mandates that noone is allowed to work more than 8 hours. I work probably 9-10 hours a day, but at least I get something out of it. And I would not have in the old 'Workers Paradise'.

Comment Re:Thank goodness (Score 1) 517

You know the funny thing about this whole discussion is that the OS linked to in the article is not the first. Integrity from Green Hills Software was proven correct a while ago. It is popular for safety critical stuff like flight controls for airplanes and is one of the dominant players in that niche.


And what is truly amusing about following this argument, is that Integrity is written in C. :)

Comment Re:Halfway Competent (Score 3, Insightful) 665

The truth is you dont need to be really competent to be a PC repairman. 95% of problems can be solved with either "reinstall windows" or "try replacing part X and see if it works". Anything more complicated than that is going to require time, effort and expertise that exceeds the cost of the computer. So there is no point of hiring expensive people with high levels of skill to begin with.

Comment Re:Steal passwords (Score 4, Informative) 665

Not quite from the article, but from an article linked to by it at the bottom of the story:

"...Inside one of the documents copied to the memory stick was a text file containing passwords for Facebook, Hotmail, eBay and a NatWest bank account.

Once the technician had discovered this information, he opened a web browser on the laptop and attempted to log into the back account for around five minutes.

The only reason he was unsuccessful was because the details were fake....."

Comment Re:Deliberately breaking the motherboard? (Score 5, Interesting) 665

+5 Gullible. :) It is very unlikely that they realized it wasnt a legit customer. If they had realized they were being watched they probably would have been on their best behaviour. That sounds more like an excuse than anything. More likely is that they were afraid the customer would go someplace else and get it fixed without needing a new motherboard thus discovering that Evnova's advice was bad. So they broke the motherboard on purpose to make their claim that a new motherboard was needed more credible and likely to be confirmed by the next shop.

Comment mod parent up (Score 1) 437

Parent is correct, it is almost universally agreed by reputable economists that the great depression was caused by DEFLATION and the fed keeping rates too high. (not inflation and cheap money as the poorly informed grandparent claims) Additionally, grandparent made the ridiculous claim that recessions are worsened by wasteful spending when in fact they are the result of underutilization of resources, even wasteful spending helps end them. I guess this is more of a computer nerd than finance nerd site, but really, the guy contradicted very basic economics in several places and got modded +5, thats nuts. :)

Comment Re:Clearinghouse? (Score 1) 784

Eh, not quite. The colonists were already angry about the high tea import tax. The fact that the crown decided that everyone should have to pay it except the favored British East India Company is what sent the colonists over the edge. The anger was rooted in the high taxes, they just took it out on the only guys who didnt have to pay tax.

Comment Re:is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever buil (Score 1) 1010

My first thought was that if you start using words like "all OSes" then that includes smaller OSes that are mathematically provably correct and used in the safety critical industry. For example: http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2008/11/green_hills_sof.html

I dont see Apple/MS/Linux/any other huge OS putting out proofs of their OSes correctness anytime soon.

Comment Re:you know (Score 1) 532

You are correct that Apple is not in the same position, but their behaviour is worse than that of MS. They try to lock people into their hardware if they want to use Apple's OS, once upon a time MS was considered the 'good guys' by some because they let you run whatever hardware you wanted. Apple tries to lock you into their little itunes/iwhatever combo.

When you get right down to it, the fact that Apple is not an abusive monopoly isn't for lack of trying, they just haven't been as successful as MS.

Comment Re: fairly compensate recording artists, songwrite (Score 2, Insightful) 237

I keep seeing people point this out, but I believe they are missing the point to a large degree. Youtube for a large segment of listeners isn't advertising for buying a song, its a replacement for it. Why would I spend money and go through the hassle of actually buying a CD when I can have any song/video I want from almost any popular band playing within a matter of seconds on youtube? Its easier and cheaper. (and perfectly legal) Personally, I haven't actually bought music in years for this exact reason and I know that there are a lot of other people out there like me. Statistics for album sales certainly seem to back up my view that this is common. (yeah I know, someone is going to chime in about how sales are abysmal because music isn't as good as it was back in their day. The ratio of good music to bad hasn't changed much in the last few decades, can we please not pretend that the dramatic decrease in music sales is not related to the internet?)

Giving away something for free (or dirt cheap) isn't much of a business model. I do not blame them for taking their ball and going home.

Comment Re:The reason everyone is against it (Score 1) 715

And whats wrong with telling the workers that? Seems like important information to me. There are a lot of businesses that truly CANT survive with a union. If I were a worker considering unionizing I would want to know whether or not my employer would be able to stay in business if I did so.

Would you rather have a situation where workers never heard the other side and then suddenly a little after unionizing the business went kaput and they were all out of jobs?

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