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Submission + - Denuvo DRM cracked by Chinese hackers (

hypnosec writes: A Chinese hacker group has claimed that they have managed to crack Denuvo DRM — the latest anti-piracy measure to protect PC games from piracy. Introduced for the first time in FIFA 15 for PC, the Denuvo anti-piracy solution managed to keep the FIFA 15 uncracked for 2 months and Dragon Age Inquisition for a month. However, Chinese hackers claim that they have managed to rip open the DRM after fifteen days of work. The hackers have uploaded a video to prove their accomplishment.

A couple of things need to be pointed out here. First,the Chinese team has merely cracked the DRM and this doesn't necessarily mean that there are working cracks out there. Also, the crack only works with Windows 7 64-bit systems and won't work on Windows 8 or Windows 7 32-bit systems for now. The team is currently working to collect hardware data on processor identification codes.

Submission + - Child abuse database containing millions of images to launch 1

mrspoonsi writes: Data taken from tens of millions of child abuse photos and videos will shortly be used as part of a new police system to aid investigations into suspected paedophiles across the UK. The obscene material was seized during previous operations. The project, called the Child Abuse Image Database (Caid), will be launched by the Prime Minister at an internet safety event on Thursday 11 December. To help compare the images, Caid makes use of a unique signature assigned to each one — known as a hash value — the equivalent of a "digital fingerprint". Detectives will be able to plug seized hard drives into the system so they can be scanned and their contents similarly encoded to see if the resulting signatures match. Other techniques, including object matching and visual similarity analysis, are also employed. Caid will also be able to use GPS data from photographs to pinpoint where they were taken. Detectives will also be able to upload new, unfamiliar images of child abuse to a central computer server so that colleagues elsewhere in the UK can help try and identify those involved.

Submission + - Another day, another crowdfunding scam ( 2

Freestyling writes: It seems hardly a day goes by that I don't wake up to find that one of my friends or acquaintances is raving on social networking about another crowdfunding scam, either entirely taken in by the "groundbreaking" claims, or shouting angrily about how the whole of kickstarter is one big scam. Today's was really the last straw for me, there is nothing about the "Dragonfly Futurefon" that remotely sounds plausible, from the hardware designs, right through to the absurdly low target of $10,000 for a delivered next generation pc/phablet project. Yet I find that a several of my (not stupid, and technically minded) friends appear to be taken in by it.
So Slashdot, my question is this:
Given that genuine projects seem to be outnumbered 10:1 or worse on crowdfunding sites by scams (or pipe dreams in the case of some projects which might be genuinely naive), what do people think we can/should do with it? Is the system working okay as it is, and do we trust that kickstarter, indiegogo etc. can catch every scam before it gets funded, or do we need to change the way these things work? Do we need to write crowdfunding off as another great idea ruined by terrible people tricking gullible people, or can we try to fix it somehow?

Submission + - Detritus from cancer cells may infect healthy cells (

bmahersciwriter writes: Tiny bubbles of cell membrane — called exosomes — are shed by most cells. Long thought to be mere trash, researchers had recently noticed that they often contain short, regulatory RNA molecules, suggesting that exosomes may be one way that cells communicate with one another. Now, it appears that RNA in the exosomes shed by tumor cells can get into healthy cells and 'transform' them, putting them on the path to becoming cancerous themselves.

Comment Poster fails to read TFA - as usual (Score 5, Interesting) 139

Seriously, do the people posting these stories ever read TFA?

"The metallic oxides are not *melted as with aluminum* but blended in powder form with a molten salt that serves as a medium and electrolyte."

Wrong! The Hall-Héroult process (main Al production method) is exactly that! Dissolving alumina in molten cryolite to allow electrolysis without heating to alumina's melting point.

So actually the apparent amazing breakthrough turns out to be, "oh hey, they found a new solvent to dissolve things in".

Accurate facts please guys, leave the sensationalising by omission to the tabloids.

Comment Another good reason for a reform of web security (Score 1) 294

Yet again, we see how it is currently impossible to verify identities on the internet. I personally don't find it too hard to envisage a system wherein it is actually possibly to identify a person via the certificate they present.

At some point we were always going to need to have personal digital certificates, surely in the age we live in, with the extent to which the internet is integrated into our lives, some form of GPG-alike certificate ought to be part of our national ID-card/whatever.

Anyone else feel we are getting to the point where that needs to happen?


Submission + - New Mars photos are straight-up gorgeous (

derekmead writes: These photos from NASA’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera prove that space photos don’t have to just be evaluated on their technical and scientific value. They can also be beautiful.

The HiRISE camera is mounted on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), which took the lead snap inside an impact crater in the Noachis Terra region of southern Mars. As lovely as they are, the erosion patterns evidenced by the dunes help NASA scientists develop the sedimentary history of the region. The enhanced-color lead image clearly shows the wind-caused (sorry tin-hat folks) dunes with insane clarity: It covers an area about an entire kilometer across.

Comment Re:Aaaand the point of textbooks is completely mis (Score 1) 376

Hi AC,

I clearly should have added "written on my Mac" to the bottom of that post then.

And don't get me wrong, I own an ebook reader and for some things, scientific papers included I think it's great. Still, having etextbooks just doesn't make up for being able to have multiple books open on my desk, not being tied to a platform, and being able to get books out of the library, a point I initially missed. My university, department, and research group all have great libraries, which could well die a death in the DRM laden ebook world. I can see that eventually pricing a lot of students out of the market. In reach of my desk at the moment I have ~£1500 worth of reference books, just about all from the library. There is no way that is sustainable in the Apple model of the education world, but it could happen if publishers all decide that ebooks are the future.

"As for padding Apple's coffers, their agency model of pricing is the same or LOWER than Amazon, and if you think big publishing houses are giving you a bigger cut as an author then you are deluded." That I can't put figures on but then odds are you can't either. But if you think that any multinational in the modern world, will even think twice about squeezing a captive audience as hard as it can then YOU are deluded. Reel them in with a good deal, then screw them once they are stuck. Happens everywhere, every time.

I will freely admit to having a grandstanding moment wrt to the whole Foxconn plant thing, but I still find the idea of labour camp esque factories abhorrent, and though sadly for the tech I essentially *need* to have, i.e a computer of some kind, mobile phone of some kind, I still do my best to find the least unethical manufacturer I can, (hollow laughter).


Comment Aaaand the point of textbooks is completely missed (Score 2, Insightful) 376

"Physical textbooks lack portability, durability, accessibility, consistent quality, interactivity and searchability, and they're not environmentally friendly."

For me studying physics every day the e-textbook is still years away from being useful. I can agree with the portability argument but thats about it. I can, with a real, physical textbook have the following advantages over an iTextBook however:

- drop a textbook without breaking it, and even if I damage it I can still use it, not wait for my insurer to maybe replace it because the screen shattered

- flick open at the index and quickly find what I want, and flick back and forth between sticky marked pages, and generally navigate a real book a lot faster

- have several books open on my desk at once - rather a necessity for any scientist

- be sure that the textbook I have bought is decent, well edited, well peer reviewed and correct, because it came from an internationally renowned publisher not "#physicsgeek78695#", as Apple seem to want to make the e-textbook market the same as the Android App Store

- keep a real book if I decide to change my computer manufacturer, phone, name, credit card number etc.

- Be sure that my textbook, while murdering some tree somewhere and not being 100% green and hippy, did not cause several factory workers to jump to their deaths, add to the toll of heavy metal pollution in east asian watercourses, or pad the coffers of Apple in preference to the Authors who sweated over the book. Odds are Apple will take a bigger cut than conventional publishers, because brand power means they can.

Just my $0.02

Comment Re:Let's get C99 right first (Score 4, Interesting) 378

Hi, I'm a Windows developer.

I'll take C# over C any day, and I have 20 years of C experience.

I believe that's kinda the parent poster's point. For a windows developer MS make their proprietary C# language easy, and C hard work. Now for most stuff that's fine, but sometimes a lower level language is needed. Ever tried writing a kernel mode driver in C#?

Comment Invest in the right places!! (Score 1) 247

They need to make sure they invest in rural areas not the cities, city BB is already pretty good for most people whereas over here at least rural broadband is either a joke/nonexistent.

As a city dweller who has experienced the "Advances" offered by BT's infinity service I can assure anyone wondering about this that there is no point at all in rolling out FTTC in the city as the advantages /at the current time/ are negligible, whereas in the countryside, where villages don't have their own exchange there is a much greater need for Fibre Rollout, example from my own experience follows:

I live in Manchester ~1.5mi from the exchange and get almost identical line speeds on standard ADSL2+ to that delivered by BTs infinity service using VDSL ( difference of 2.5Mb/s in 20+ Mb/s, no server is ever going allocate that much bandwidth to a connection these days so it doesn't matter. Ping speeds and other latency/loss metrics were no better on infinity and in some cases actually a little worse, probably due to the extra hardware between me and the exchange.

Combine these facts with the ridiculous cost of BT infinity with it's 27mins of full speed downloading per month (as noted above) vs a truly unlimited ADSL2+ plan from the like of BE and there really is no surprise people aren't switching.

OTOH there are people like my parents, who live in a village ~5 miles from the exchange where the "broadband" speeds are a joke. On their "up to 24 MB" ADSL2+ connection they get 236/644 kb/s DOWN/UP. Now if BT are really interested both in useful returns on their investment and actually providing a /good service/ to all their customers, (yes I'm an idealist I know) then they should really be spending their money, and the governments money connecting these rural communities to a decent internet service, as I know that my parents and just about anyone else in the village will jump at the chance to have a connection that is actually up to streaming video, and has sufficiently good line metrics to make online gaming possible.

PS. another 500yds down the road from them there is no available landline internet at all, so much for the governments pledge to get all households on broadband by 20xx, at this rate I don't see it happening until 21xx!


Submission + - Angry Birds For Windows Now Available For Download (

Mightee writes: "More good news for Angry Birds Fans. The world's most popular game is now available on Windows platform.

This means that you can play Angry Birds on you PC or Laptop even when you are not connected to the internet. The windows version is not flash based which is the biggest improvement over the recently released web version."

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