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Comment Re:Protected under the First Amendment? (Score 2) 890

Whilst this example is crass and boorish, in the USA, shouldn't you be able to name your Wi-Fi SSID anything you want and it be protected (as free speech) under the First Amendment ??

Are you just now realizing that some of our first amendment rights have eroded in the US?

First amendment hasn't meant "You can say whatever you want no matter what" for a long time. Do you think it would be OK for me to write "Death to all " on the side of my house, and expect not to have legal problems? How about painting "I am planning to kill Obama" on the side of your car and driving around? Expect to have problems? What about walking around with a sign that said "Ask me for instructions on manufacturing bio-terror weapons"?

Is setting your WiFi SSID to something considered "illegal speech" different than painting it on the side of your house?

Comment why isn't this the default yet? (Score 1) 601

I am AMAZED at the number of people saying "I don't say anything interesting anyway" or "I have nothing to hide".

Picture a scenario like this: You get a new cellphone. When you first set it up, it gives you this question, "Encrypt all your phone calls by default, or Allow us to listen to your phone calls". How many people would say, "I don't say anything interesting anyway, let them listen".

If when you were having your cable modem installed, the cable installer said, "Hey, do you mind if while I'm installing this cable modem, I also install a microphone, so we could listen to your conversations?" How many people would say "sure, I don't say anything of interest anyway".

I think that in these hyperbolic scenarios, most people would say, "Yeah, I actually want my privacy."

So, since we have had all the technology available for years, why isn't encrypted conversation by email the default yet? Why wouldn't people want that?

Comment Re:Give to 1 area, ur taking from another (Score 3, Insightful) 112

I figure it this way: You give these mice that growth of musculature, something's going to take a beating (probably lifespan), because the body's designed to only grow so much in that area, there must be a reason, a LONG TERM REASON, why.

I reject the notion that mice were "designed" or that a mouses body is the way it is due to any reasoning.

Comment Re:Intel sells hard drives? (Score 1) 198

Something about the way they reached the $1 billion figure smells fishy to me...

Those people can't built computers without hard drives, so they are buying fewer processors. Not that hard to figure out

I agree that it seems fishy. To say "I was guessing I would make $14, but it turned out I only made $13" and then to make the leap to "therefore I lost $1" seems wrong. You didn't lose $1, you just guessed wrong. Then to go farther and say "I can say that the $1 I lost was all because of this reason." makes me want to ask how you could know this. To me it seems like a good case of "correlation is not causation."

Comment was this really two-factor? (Score 1) 186

This wasn't a failure of "two-factor authentication" this was a failure of the bank to have actually require two factors. It seems that the bank was relying on one of the two factors to be a "something you have" factor, which was the client's mobile phone, when in reality it was just another "something you know" factor. The "something you know" being just the phone number itself.

Comment Re:Just what market needed... (Score 5, Informative) 240

Because spotify costs money (I either have to pay a monthly fee, or I have to buy a copy of windows or a mac or so). They say this is because they haven't figured out how to display ads on linux yet. Oh and you can't store music locally on linux. This doesn't doesn't sound like the type of software I'm psyched to pay for. Oh even though I might be paying for a "premium" account. It would be unsupported...

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