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Comment What nonsense. (Score 2) 300

There will inevitably be a group of people who seem to always pick things that don't work, it's the nature of huge numbers. If you get a hundred million quarters, you'll find that there are probably close to a million of them that flip tails a dozen times in a row. Human nature would skew this somewhat, but I doubt this demonstrates people who are attracted to trends that fail - more like they're simply not following the mainstream trends.

Comment Re:Parallel universe not new time line ... (Score 2) 422

It's been an alternate parallel universe ever since Tasha Yar went back in time with the Enterprise C, ended up being captured by Romulans, and had a half-Romular daughter who went on have her own warbird in the fleet; the ship was supposed to be destroyed with all hands and it was definitely not. Hell, it's been an alternate timeline since Kirk went back to San Francisco if you want to get technical. Which means it's actually been an alternate timeline since the eighties. And that's not even counting the stable time loop involving the 19th century and whatnot.

The Trek timeline is a convoluted knot. Why should the latest movies be any different in that respect?

Comment The thing about space programs (Score 2) 141

Is that they're great to simultaneously develop accurate ICBMs.

Iran no longer having a space program means that its neighbors in the region don't have to worry about missiles being developed under such a banner, at least; anything they develop will be made for military use. Also possibly badly photoshopped.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 2) 473

Frontier is going to fold, and you know it.

What you need to do is pay attention to who is in charge of this, and find ways to boycott any products they have anything to do with in the future. Especially the bastards who were involved in the marketing.

Comment Re:So... (Score 3) 99

Fertilizer is among its many byproducts, but raw petroleum is not going to work as fertilizer and requires quite a bit of processing in order to split into the products that we use today.

This has been an ongoing problem, periodically, if you'll recall. And the use of fertilizers is only increasing. The oil spill didn't contribute, it's causing its own problems but this is not one of them.

Comment Re:So... (Score 5, Insightful) 99

Unlikely. Fertilizer runoff from farms being dumped in a body of water will help algae growth, that's a very large part of what happened in Ohio, because apparently farmers in Ohio are fucking retards who think dumping manure on fields that are FROZEN OVER is a good idea and that it won't just all wash out into the lake there.

Petroleum isn't going to have the same effect by a long shot. There is no algae that eats oil.

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