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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 102 declined, 11 accepted (113 total, 9.73% accepted)


Submission + - Blockchain: It's like having a casino in your wallet (

UnanimousCoward writes: Blockchain is a bitcoin wallet that allows extremely easy transfer of bitcoins via iOS and Android apps. In addition, you can bet bitcoins DIRECTLY on the Blockchain website on the "Send Money" tab (you need to have an account to see it) via SatoshiDice!!! As a buddy of mine said, 'It's like having a casino in your wallet.' It's really the wild, wild west in bitcoin land...

Submission + - Cisco to Buy Meraki for $1.2B (

UnanimousCoward writes: Several outlets are reporting Cisco's intent to acquire Meraki for $1.B. I know we (/. community) are not a news feed, but I thought this story was interesting with respect to what had previously been submitted to /. concerning the company:

Submission + - Ararvind, Seva, and Steve Jobs

UnanimousCoward writes: A colleague of mine will be participating in a month-long design charrette out of Pondicherry for Aravind. The connection is through Seva. Interestingly, Seva got its start in part by a $5k donation from Steve Jobs...when he was working out of his garage. Love him or hate him (disclaimer: fanboi here), his vision extends beyond i-whatever.

Submission + - Sloan Prize-winner "Another Earth" released (

UnanimousCoward writes: "Another Earth" was released to the general public this weekend. While it has been bashed as being scientifically inconsistent, I find the story so compelling and provocative that I can dismiss these inconsistencies (if push comes to shove, I can probably find a way to explain said inconsistencies). The acting and humanity exhibited in this film is just too strong--isn't that what sci-fi is really about?

Submission + - How to Optimize a 5000-to-1 VCU Bet? (

UnanimousCoward writes: I know this is /., and that the phrase "March Madness" and the reference to the publication USA Today give my submission a snowball's chance in hell to get posted, but here goes :-) Somebody put a $10 bet on VCU at 5,000-to-1 to win the NCAA basketball tournament and is now 2 wins away from a $50k payday. How should that person best hedge the bet now?
  • VCU is favored against Butler in the next game. Should that person make a spread (-2.5) or moneyline (140/-120) bet, and how much?
  • If VCU beats Butler, then what hedge should be made in the Finals? I'm assuming it depends on the odds (of course) and the previous hedge (???).

Submission + - Exhausted Chinese tech factory workers (

UnanimousCoward writes: I know this submission will come off as Microsoft-bashing, but I doubt Microsoft is the only high-tech company with these kinds of connections. The Daily Mail has an article describing Chinese factory worker conditions at a shop that makes products for Microsoft along with a damning photo.

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