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Comment Re:the most important policy. (Score 1) 154

Wait what? Their wealth isn't even on the same order of magnitude.
Hard to know exactly how much Trump has, but he claims to have $4 billion. Many doubt that, but still acknowledge around 1-3 billion.
It reminds me of the old Chris Rock quote. "Shaq is rich. The person who signs Shaq's paycheck is wealthy." Those are two completely different orders of magnitude and trying to conflate the two is pretty disingenuous.

Submission + - Wikipedia Users Trying To Quietly Remove Political Connections In Epstein's Bio (

An anonymous reader writes: The sensational case surrounding billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein hasn’t just stopped at Epstein. People are turning it into a political fight due to Epstein’s habit of being connected to big political names such as Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

As people in our society will do, when they want to learn who somebody is they’ll hit up America’s number one source of information, Wikipedia. The site is open sourced, meaning anyone can come in and make changes to a page. This can be used to update references, correct information, or in some cases, rewrite history for malicious reasons.

Upon clicking on Epstein’s bio, you’ll be treated to various facts about his life, such as the fact that he was good friends with Clinton, as well as disgraced actor and sexual assaulter Kevin Spacey. In fact, it details that Clinton had been on Epstein’s private plane 26 times.

Or at least that’s what you would have seen if you had pulled up Epstein’s page at around 8:30 this morning. According to some eagle eyed Twitter users, the page was edited sometime between then and 10:30 this morning with the connections to Clinton and Spacey now completely gone.

Comment Re:It Makes Sense (Conspiracy angle) (Score 5, Insightful) 743

The problem isn't the posts. The problem is that the moderators/admins aren't doing their job. Reddit has guidelines that such posts with physical threats need to be moderated -- and the admins of the subreddit have the responsibility of removing the posts, and warning or banning any offenders. The_Donald moderators have a history of not doing their job, and it's finally caught up.
And before anyone goes "but both sides", Reddit is a big place. Many magnitudes bigger than slashdot. Maybe there are places where ultra-left-wing nuts regularly call for violence. And if there are, I'd support action there as well. But it's definitely not in a place with 750,000 subscribers.

Comment Re:How cute! (Score 5, Informative) 402

There is only one major news channel with a conservative tilt, and it gets constantly bashed by the liberals as if one is too many.

The right-tilting Sinclair group owns hundreds of local stations as well, and they absolutely have a script to follow. It's quite Orwellian.

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