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Comment Re:No *official* port. (Score 2) 333

But the suite of google apps aren't (maps, gmail, access to the market, etc). Google has tons of leverage.

I think the obvious solution here is to put in a simple skinning API and let the devs go nuts with it. Sense, TW, etc would just be apk's that skin the GUI elements. End users should be able to disable this if they wish.

Google could use its muscle to make this happen. Shame they won't. In the meantime, the released stats show a big move from android to iphone because people seem to prefer Apple's way of doing things. Heck, I had a phone with a published security vulnerability and it took almost 12 months to patch it. That's 100% unacceptable.

Comment Re:Best use of money? (Score 4, Insightful) 205

Don't bother with this crowd. These guys clearly have no practical experience with Exchange and are the same people who have been yelling "ZOMG POSTFIX AND EVOLUTION/CHANDLER/THUNDERBIRD WILL KILL OUTLOOK" 10+ years ago.

As much as I dislike defending my vendors, I have to say the Exchange is surprisingly nimble and the number of devices I can support with a very modest server is pretty surprising. The idea that you're getting 10x the number of users on similiar hardware with a similiar featureset is the same bullshit these FOSS guys have been peddling for years. I just with the FOSS crew could write a usable, supported, efficient Exchange/Activesync replacement. That product doesn't exist and the current crop are all nightmares. Heh, there's a reason why they won't let you test this junk.

Comment Re:oh, really? (Score 2) 372

Considering no US money is being spent on this plant and they have bought a Delaware plant for stage II, my comment on your ignorance still stands.

Tesla managed to get around this issue by buying a retired Toyota plant in the US as a stopgap the same way these guys are using Finland as a stopgap.

You can argue whether or not the DOE should be making these investments, but not finding a facility here in the US is perfectly understandable. Regardless, in a year or two they'll be in Delaware and Tesla will move to its permanent factory in Cali. Yet guys like you dont give two shits about this, because you just want to complain about the government, not really understand or care how electric car investment works, or why certain decisions are made. Took yer jerbs, indeed.

Comment Re:oh, really? (Score 0) 372

This is too informative and logical for slashdot. Please instead stick to right-wing libertarian talking points, anti-government rhetoric, and stick to as much Ayn Rand as possible. Thanks!

The idea that this is a little more complex than "they too our jerbs" or "damn federal government is a scam" is too much for most people here. Just look at the comments.

Facts and reasonable discussion don't get ad impressions. Uninformed commentators on hot button issues do.

Comment Re:A slightly unrelated topic... (Score 4, Insightful) 988

>This cancer is not "perfectly treatable".

Except this particular cancer was relatively easily treatable with surgery.

>And Jobs seemed to have waited with surgery only until it was clear that the tumour wouldn't shrink.

How was it going to shrink exactly? The homeopathic bullshit he was engaged in wasn't going to do anything anyway. He signed his own death warrant.

>But yes, maybe he would have lived longer if he hadn't waited. Maybe not.

All facts point to yes, he would have. Oh well, that's his decision. I can't stop people from killing themselves, but we can at least use him as a cautionary tale for those who are entranced by woo medicine.

Comment Re:Kindergarten (Score 2) 988

Jobs accuses everyone of theft. He did it with MS and he did it with Google. Shame he was such an IP and patent fascist.

He was your typical American CEO. He's all take, mine-mine-mine, and fuck you. The fact that the base of all his OS's are built on open principles and open source doesn't matter to him. He's allowed to take and he's allowed to own ideas like sorting with a linked list, but no one else.

Comment Re:Why so hard. (Score 1) 967

>Why is it so hard to accept that human actions can have consequences ?

Because big business and conservative ideologues don't want to pay the bills. Its the same with fighting the EPA. We're destined to fight this battle every few years because the conservative noise machine is so powerful and its followers are unusually credulous.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 298

Its so silly. Just the other day I was using Apache Tomcat and Java and then later making a flowchart in Visio. Later I was using Firefox and Silverlight and chatted on Skype. Oh, I had to upload a large file using Filezilla, but only after scanning it with ClamAV to be safe. Last week, I was updating the FCKeditor in Drupal while chatting on Pidgin.

But Libreoffice! Ugh, what a silly name!

Look dude, just because you're scared of anything that sounds remotely foreign doesn't mean your position is valid outside of a Tea Party convention. Hell, considering most open source types think "The Gimp" is a perfectly acceptable name for software, Libreoffice is quite the step up.

Comment Re:Hype much? (Score 1) 692

>Current Speech recognition technology is still at the babbling three year old stage

Hold on here, I agree that AI is in the gutter for the foreseeable future, but I use google voice recognition several times a day and its absolutely amazing. It seems to understand my context and gets my voice to text right a lot more often than it gets it wrong.

Its not perfect, but its way past the level of a three year old. Right now, it beats typing on the virtual keyboard. If apple matches this quality then I can really see a revolution in how people interact with their smartphones, at least when it comes to voice to text vs keyboards.

Comment Re:My thoughts (Score 1) 239

That includes dock failures. The laptop themselves have a better rate without the dock issues.

Its major faults were:

1. Drive failure. Not sure if we got a run of duds, but I think 5% alone here.
2. Fan failure. CPU fan would stick to 100% then die completely after a few days. Another 5%.

All of these machines save one or two are pampered and usually docked. No heavy loads or anything. Just bum hardware.

I have a couple of machines that don't use the standard image and its ridiculous how bad these HPs are. 3 ebook readers installed, tons of other shit, and a nice issue where if you uninstall one of these ebook readers, it decides to delete a system font. I'm done with HP.

Comment Re:My thoughts (Score 1) 239

I picked up a demo 8460p elitebook. Its about as thick and heavy as most contestants on the Biggest Loser. Its like something out of Dell's late 1990s lineup. Its faux MacBook casing isn't helping matters either.

For around the same price I'm switching to Lenovo, getting a much slimmer and nicer machine, and a heck of a lot less crapware on the standard image.

Considering how many elitebooks have failed for us in the past couple of years (25%) as well as their docks, I'm happy to get rid of HP. May you have better luck than me, but you won't. HP is the newest winner to the race to the bottom.

Comment Re:Not bound by the statute of limitations? (Score 4, Insightful) 395

Hey, you don't get on the front page of slashdot without lots of bias. This crowd leans right/libertarian so you need to pander to them to keep the ads flowing.

Before we start deifying Mitchell as some kind of anti-government hero and genius, I'd like to point out that he's deeply into ESP, the paranormal, remote viewing/healing, and other woo. He started something called the Institute for Noetic Sciences in the 1970s. He's essentially the opposite of James Randi. I love to see these charlatans exposed in other parts of their lives too. Turns out he's not only a Uri Geller-level bullshitter but also a common thief.

Comment Re:Walter Kovacs responds: (Score 0) 590

>Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers.

Stupid liberals with their non-discriminatory laws, weekends, and social safety nets. Stupid intellectuals who don't believe in god or starting a posse!

> Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay

Funny how that didn't work out too well during the industrial revolution when the market was in charge and it took regulation and labor unions as well as massive protests before that was even possible.

Ugh, I love how Rorschach went from being a complete and utter right-wing psychopath to the posterboy of "common sense" in America. Wow, just wow.

Comment Re:uhh... (Score 3, Insightful) 183

None of that matters if you like to travel. Or if you like to actually own a phone and can swap out SIM cards to change phone numbers and carriers quickly.

Or if you like fast 3G (EVDO vs UMTS/HSPDA).

So CDMA is technically better, in theory but in practice its a lot of lock-in and slow ass 3G. There's more to deciding which is better than just tech specs on a piece of paper, but this being slashdot, we have the "TECHNICALLY CORRECT IS THE BEST KIND OF CORRECT" crowd.

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