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Comment Copyright (Score 1) 132

The real problem here is the length of copyright. The purpose was to allow an author to generate funding based on a composition for a limited period of time, after which the composition would revert to Public Domain, enriching the creative common.

Today, what is the rule? 75 years past the death of the author or some such silliness. It started at 14 years.
I would propose that it be set at 50 years AND LEFT THERE. Such efferal assets are the work product of a mind or minds. They are not an heirloom to be passed between relatives and corporations. The benefit is to be enjoyed by the Creator for a set time. Let's get back to sanity.

Comment Re:New Law(s) Needed to Cleanup Internet!!! (Score 1) 426


Offensive Speech == Free Speech == Offensive Speech .

I tried to make it as simple as possible in case the concept is too difficult. If you still don't understand, remove one of the equals signs from each side.

The reason why the attitude is common is that normal, thinking people all seem to understand why free speech is a line that we should not cross. That means that on some days, something on the interwebz is going to get your panties in a bunch. Suck it up, Buttercup!!!

Daily, I find things I don't like and don't care for, but I move on. I understand that 1) Everybody can't be as right as I am all the time. 2) If I get high and mighty, I remember that time in 1986 when I was wrong once....

Comment Delicious (Score 1) 186

"The other argues that by spending time on social media and sharing our thoughts, we are demeaning the value of our work, our ideas. (Editor's note: the link could be paywalled; alternate source.)"

Does anyone see a link between extracting every drop of value from a brain and the paywall thrown up by the source?
Doesn't that kinda invalidate their position??

Comment What are these?? (Score 1) 532

87481 Is for an Amplified DNA Probe for Candida (Albicans). Whatever specimen was submitted (perhaps by swab) was tested using PCR (Polymer Chain Reaction) amplification of Microbe DNA with detection of that DNA.

87491 Is for that same procedure as above, looking for Chlamydia.

87798 Is for the same procedure as above, applied to looking for another organism that is not specified and coded.

The upshot is that this appears to be a Direct Technique for detecting Vaginal Pathogens. I would suspect a Gyn visit on or near the quoted "Date Of Service". If you had a Gyn visit then, these are valid charges.

Comment Re:Knowledge and the ocean. (Score 2) 104

"We're at a point in development where we know just enough to be dangerous."

So you're saying that there are clueless and greedy economists involved in Industry, but that their are none in Climate Science?
Or, putting it a different way, Climate Scientists are not included in the above general statement, however commercial scientists are?

I agree 100% with the above statement. And I am confident in applying it across the board. That fact has ramifications.

Comment Bug or Feature (Score 1) 433

Yeah, that's a known fact about the 'net. It tends to route around broken parts of the net.
Since DRM is breaking open access, that's a feature.

This is not a problem for the net, it is a problem for those who want to be both seen and not seen at the same time.
Don't give 'em DRM, and let them stew in their own juice behind a paywall.
After all, that's worked out so well for the Newspapers....

Comment Diversity? (Score 1) 117

I look at this as a failing of Centralized decisions on Curriculum. If a whole country or a whole region decides on a slate of subjects, classes and goals, they had better get it right (btw... they NEVER do). If these decisions are made at the local level, you get thousands of different possible courses of study. Suppose you have a budding programming prodigy, and the whole country is tied into these (flawed) standards. You have nowhere to go, except outside the system.

Conversely, if City A decides that every kid should grow deep in their understanding of Coal Technology, and City B decides that Algebra and Python are important (with side orders of C++), folks have the option of moving to encourage the little nipper!!
The whole country is enriched as well because instead of an assembly line (ala Pink Floyd), you will have a wide diversity of Educational Experiences represented in the population.

If you believe that learning HOW to learn is important, you also will have a diversity of experiences.

Comment Well... (Score 1) 387

The dadgum questionaire that they put before them was 700 freaking questions!!!!

Don't you think that there was a failure by the judge and the court to boil it down to simple issues?
There may be finer points of law here, but the Judge should rule on those and present "The Question" to the Jury.

The Fail here was presenting The Maze to the jury. Guess they figured that if it wasn't important enough to distill down to the essence, then their attempts to walk The Maze weren't very important either...

The whole idea of juries is to reduce the jumble down to the important points that need to be decided. If it's too complex, then either reduce the complexity, or kick it back to the petitioner to submit separate points of petition.

Comment Re:criminals dont play by the rules..... (Score 1) 343

Yeah. I really get upset over people that use too much hairspray. I mean, you can just look at them and the venom rises in my throat.
Why in the world would you want to wear ANY hairspray, it's so disgusting!
Make absolutely sure that you don't wear any hairspray if you are in line with me!
I also question ANY culture that would accept anything so disgusting as hairspray. After all, that stuff has Alcohol in it!

IMHO, Hairspray will be the undoing of this world and I intend to make this world safe for all the unsuspecting people that have been seduced by this western habit of shaping their hair in such a disgusting manner!

Comment Re:Only "troubled" if you're not Lockheed Martin (Score 4, Interesting) 509

They are even "Contracting Out" the Active Duty job.

The National Guard is supposed to be a Civilian force to be utilized by State Governors and as a ready backup source of emergency troop reinforcements. It's designed to harbor a large number of trained individuals who can back up the Active Duty force which is tasked with performing the operational mission.

As it stands now, the Pentagon calls more and more upon National Guard forces for deployment into combat zones. That has the advantage of reducing the number of Active Duty military, and that makes the politicos happy. "See, we've reduced the size of the military!" Nada. You have reduced the size of the workload by sharing it with people that are engaged with private industry, to the detriment of the industries/businesses who must do without a trained and productive leader for gigantic spans of time (90-180 days+). Could this possibly contribute to a business problem that expands the recessionary tendencies? Do we need some kind of "study" to reinforce the common sense on that?

We need to "right size" the mission to the Active Duty force that we have, or "right size" the Active Duty force to the mission at hand and leave the National Guard forces as a reserve force to deal with the inevitable coming day when the defecation hits the rotary oscillator.

Oh... and BTW.... The proper mission of our military is to kill people and blow things up. It needs to be an awesome and deadly force to be unleashed upon our enemies with fearsome and deadly precision and effect. If people anywhere near our sworn enemies move quickly away from them because death is likely to reign down from the sky at any moment, then we will have achieved the intended life-saving effect.

Comment Re:Rewrite the Constitution or face default! (Score 1) 1042

Just the opposite. The President appears to be following the "Cloward and Piven" strategy for fundamental "change".
Tea Party members are not members of the John Birch Society. That small group of loonies has nothing to do with the grass roots organization that asks for the audacious move of "living within our means".
The fact is that the common sense approach which is to stop running up debt, and pay down our bills before we get to the point where we cannot, is being attacked as some kind of fringe position.
The trumpeted balanced approach is to continue to spend more than we take in, continue to borrow more and more, don't worry about the future of our kids: That is the prescription that simply does not make sense.
As for militias and civil war, there is no need for that. People are starting to wake up to the indefensible position that we keep going the way we have, we will lose our position in the world. That appears to be the goal, as I can see no rationality in the argument to continue borrowing.

BTW... The Tea Party is independent of Republicans. Many of them are just as complicit in the debt run-up as the rest of the politicos that have lead us into this mess.

Comment Re:Depends what you want... (Score 1) 445

This is the market at work. The effect of this activity is to lower prices to all. Movement of books from a less expensive channel to a more expensive channel equalizes the prices. The supply will be increased in the more expensive channel, tending to reduce the price. The essence of commerce is to find, obtain, or produce a good at a lower price than the market will bear.
When you think about the time that it takes to perform this function, the "value" of the time is determined by the person who expends the time. It was once famously remarked for Bill Gates at one point in his career, that if he dropped a $100 bill, it would not be worth his time to pick it up. Value is a function of supply, demand and desire. Water here in Indiana has a limited value. If I were in Death Valley, it would have a considerably larger value to me. Since folks are making money at this endeavor, they are making the personal determination that they can derive more value from the time used than spending it another way.
The intangibles are also a factor. I don't do this, but I like the smell of old books. I also love finding a gem such as a 1946 physics book on optical phenomenon. The hobby effect also cannot be discounted.
The bottom line is that the value determination is so complicated that it boils down to the question: "Does this have value to you?". As you have one life, and a limited number of hours (80x((365.25x24)-(365.25x8)) the only one who can make that choice is you.
(The above is a suggested calculation. You may not have 80 years, nor may you need 8 hours of sleep a night. Mileage may vary.)

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