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Submission + - Niklaus Wirth, inventor of Pascal has died (

axlash writes: It has been reported on X that Niklaus Wirth, inventor and co-inventor of several languages including Pascal, Euler and Oberon died on Jan 1, 2024. He was aged 89.

Comment Re:Apple, politics and race. (Score 1) 48

Turned off politics?

Are you kidding??

Please look at all the topics that have had the highest number of posts on Slashdot (especially over the last four years); you'll find that they are usually political.

I personally prefer to give such topics a hard pass, as they're usually people agreeing with each other, or people shouting past each other, with few insights to be gained.

Comment Is this really news, though? (Score 1) 195

It's very obvious from the way things were going that this was going to happen, so this is really filler news - up there with "It's the Xth anniversary of Y" and "It's X holiday today".

The real news is when the number of infected people begin to drop worldwide, or when governments start lifting their lockdowns.

Comment Re:And the point is? (Score 1) 147

What are you talking about? This isn't some random blogger off the web, it's an executive from Cruise Automation.

They are literally working on making this happen, not just hoping something magically appears out of thin air.

So he should just keep on doing what he's doing, if he believes it's the right and profitable thing to do. There's no need to make any statement - if he's right, then his actions should ultimately speak louder than his words.

Comment Re:What they don't say (Score 1) 177

What they don't explain is how they're supposed to do this ... without creating an endless loop. How does one admin authorize another admin to do something, when the first admin in turn would need to get "JIT" privileges to do so from a third admin.

If an admin does not need JIT privileges to authorize another admin to perform a task, there's no need for this 'endless loop'.

Comment Re:An "app" for "podcasts"?? (Score 1) 71

"Podcasts" are just an mp3 or a streaming mp3. Why the hell would anybody need an "app" for that? Just go to the damn web page and click the link.

An app makes it easier for you to discover and manage several podcasts that you are interested in, and do this management/discovery in one place. An app also provides a consistent experience for playing or rewinding podcasts, and you can even combine episodes from multiple podcasts into a single playlist.

Of course, if you don't listen to many podcasts, or listen infrequently, then it's perfectly fine visiting the website to listen.

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