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Comment Re:ad blocker? (Score 1) 358

Why is the ethical responsibility on the end user? Does YouTube not benefit from the hard work of "content creators?" Keep in mind, there are plenty who YouTube doesn't compensate at all, who don't even have the option to display ads. There are a few ways they could level the playing field.

  1. Display ads on every video and give every channel the option to collect a portion of the total revenue based on how many views they generate. This way, YouTube partners who call their ad-blocking viewers "unethical, freeloading scumbags" won't feel like hypocritical assholes when they enjoy non-partner content on YouTube.
  2. Make the site paid-only and give every channel the option to collect a portion of the total revenue based on how many views they generate. This also eliminates the "unethical freeloading scumbag" problem. Of course, YouTube wouldn't do this because it would interfere with their oh-so-ethical data-mining operation.

It appears that YouTube has chosen a combination of these options with ad-free subscriptions. So now, they get my money, partners get a portion, and the non-partners I watch with my paid subscription continue to get absolutely nothing. Now that's what I call ethical!

Comment Re:Let me attempt to translate for you guys (Score 1) 250

As a developer, he uses the term "impossible". Nobody says "impossible" in a development framework.

Read the emails carefully. You're taking the word out of context.

From the original:

We would also like permission to use the Truecrypt trademark as part of this effort. If that’s not possible, we would accept a clear statement that you would prefer the software not be renamed.

Comment How was he a "nerd?" (Score 3, Insightful) 1198

It’s a standard frustrated angry geeky guy manifesto, except for the part

Except for the part where it isn't. The manifesto is a lot of things. It's a case study in narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, social anxiety name it, it's in there, and you can spin it however you want.

The kid played WoW, so he must be a geek.

Never mind that he didn't excel in academics, that he never showed any interest in science, mathematics or technology, that he took a handful of liberal arts courses that he had to drop because the only thing he could concentrate on were girls. Does that sound like a geek? No, to me it pretty much sounds like everybody who isn't a geek.

Comment Re:Most powerful? (Score 5, Interesting) 241

The fact that they even attempted to DDoS EC2 shows they are nothing more than script kiddies. EC2 is not a PIII in Amazon's broom closest. It's a large scale server infrastructure designed by some of the smartest hackers in the world explicitly to withstand incredibly high traffic. Any legitimate hacker could have explained that to them, but they managed to get well passed the planning stage of their little DDoS with not a single one of them mentioning it?

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