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Comment Re:Serious Question (Score 1) 214

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why Apache would be targeted like this?

From an email I received from Apache 20 minutes ago (emphasis mine):

We are assuming that the attackers have a copy of the JIRA database, which includes a hash (SHA-512 unsalted) of the password
you set when signing up as 'edmazur' to JIRA. If the password you set was not of great quality (eg. based on a dictionary word), it
should be assumed that the attackers can guess your password from the password hash via brute force.

The upshot is that someone malicious may know both your email address and a password of yours.

This is a problem because many people reuse passwords across online services. If you reuse passwords across systems, we urge you to change
your passwords on ALL SYSTEMS that might be using the compromised JIRA password. Prime examples might be gmail or hotmail accounts, online
banking sites, or sites known to be related to your email's domain,

Comment Re:Do wunderkinds produce more for society? (Score 1) 648

It's really impressive to see a child prodigy, but do they go on to achieve more in life than the "average" smart crowd that goes through a more normal progression?

Malcolm Gladwell addresses this question in his book Outliers. The short answer to your question is no.

He claims that while intelligence is important, being a child prodigy alone won't buy you success. He instead says one need be only sufficiently intelligent, but also be presented the right opportunities and have the drive to put enough hours into practicing their craft. He calls that last part the 10,000 hour rule. In all the successful people he researched/interviewed, he found they went through a period in their lives where they were "made". The Beatles performed over 1,200 times from 1960 to 1964 in Hamburg, Germany. Bill Gates spent his nights and weekends as a teenager messing around in the University of Washington computer lab, an opportunity most did not have at the time. There are other examples given in the book. On the other end of the spectrum, he presented the case of Christopher Langan, "the smartest man in America", who Gladwell says did not achieve the level of success seen in other cases because he did not have the same sort of opportunities growing up.

I imagine you could bend the idea of traditional "success" though and see that last case in other ways.

Comment Richard Clarke's stance (Score 2, Interesting) 276

Richard Clarke spoke at my campus about a month ago and addressed this question. His claim was that United States needs to put forth some doctrine of cyberwarfare deterrence for the same reasons it did with nuclear warfare. His argument was that because of how dependent on computers the world is, cyberwarfare, a relatively unknown beast, has the same potential for the mutually assured destruction that nuclear weapons are capable of.

Google Search Flagging Everything As Potentially Harmful 407

dowlingw writes "It looks like for the moment at least, all Google results are failing the malware checks and being listed with a warning 'This site may harm your computer,' including all pages from Google themselves. Users trying to visit pages at search results will only be able to proceed via manual manipulation of the search result link to remove the Google click-through (which is also broken). Until Google fixes this bug, it looks Google web search is useless." Update: 01/31 at 15:16 GMT by SS: The problem now appears to be fixed.
Update: 01/31 at 22:01 GMT by KD : Google has now posted an explanation, apologizing and taking responsibility for the "human error" that led to the problem.

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