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Comment Re: Murder charges all around... (Score 1) 681

They don't just shoot more people. They shoot massively more people. We're talking orders of magnitude. That means that dealing with US police officers - especially for people of color - is significantly more dangerous in the US than in other countries. Thus why they would not want to call them in a crisis situation.

Comment Re:Reporting is intentionally terrible (Score 1) 681

There's plenty of jobs more dangerous than being a cop, but you don't see those getting the supposed "respect" for the danger. Besides that, nearly half of all cop deaths are from their own reckless driving, not from any kind of violence. US police are massively under-trained and over-excitable compared to any other industrialized nation.

Comment Re:Steambox (Score 1) 263

Best part is, GGP was most likely a sarcastic remark. A tongue in cheek reference to the fact that valve has talked about a mass-produced Steambox for years now, yet nothing has hit the market.

And isn't likely to happen in the near future, either, considering that they basically canned their entire hardware department for over a corporate culture conflict.

Comment Re:I used to block ads (Score 1) 978

I am not an economist so I may be missing something obvious, but it sounds like your model has two possible economic models: 1) Take large personal losses for what is essentially a "labor of love" and shows you no return on your time... OR 2) Magic. I would actually love to be corrected here. What community are you speaking of and where do the funds to support it come from?

Comment Re:Short games are fine, but... (Score 1) 342

If you want to make a damned movie, get in the movie business! If you want to make GAMES then make them FUN!

There's nothing inherently wrong with cinematic games, though. Compare a snore-fest like LA Noire to the Mass Effect series. Both are very cinematic, but in Mass Effect, what you're doing feels like it matters. you're having fun because you're playing it. LA Noire was a barely-interactive 20 hour movie which ground onward inevitably with or without you.

Comment Re:You mean the entirety of the concept? (Score 1) 147

This can easily be extended - with just as much basis in reality - that profit corrupts, regardless of the source. Or, to put it in a more classic phrasing, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Microtransactions are just the latest variety of profit that can be turned to profiteering.

Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 1) 445

Chance+opportunity+rationalization-risk = criminal action. Even a weak rationale is better than none. "I deserve this more than they do" "It's a big business, they won't miss a little profit" "I'm not actually hurting anyone" See: Software piracy on that last point. And yes, I'm referencing personal experience.

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