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Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 208

No, he is not. He work for a long time for the bank of notorious criminal oligarch Khodorkovsky, and that's where he build capital to start his internet businesses. Also, the service he is associated with happens to be the shittest, most unsecure and spam-riddled e-mail service in Russia.

Comment Re:x/0 does not equal 0. (Score 1) 1067

Well, I am sorry, but you are factually wrong about this. Your "proofs" show that division by zero may be undefined for some cases, which does not change the fact that it is quite well defined for some other cases. IEEE 754 is quite clear on that too. You may wish to eduacte yourself beyond pre-calc before sounding off.

Comment Re:Sounds like a plan! (Score 1) 1067

Well, no, I did not. If the result Inf occurs in computations that must be passed to control mechanisms, it must be caught at this point, and not where it occured. Throwing exception on arithmetic operation is bad idea that seems good if you do not think about it carefully. Which authors of IEEE754 did, and produced a very good standard.

Comment Re:I want my division by zero errors to be errors (Score 1) 1067

Fortunately, your vote did not count when IEEE754 was created by the top numerical experts. Unfortunately, far too many programmers are voefully ignorant about proper FP math.

> And how many times exactly have you been happy to get "Infinity" as a result?
> Pretty much every time I've gotten that there has been an error in my logic.

I believe you that there're lots of errors in your logic. One of them is ignoring mathematical fact that 1/0=Inf as per IEEE standard implemented in hardware by (virtually) all modern processors

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