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Comment ecosystem lock in (Score 2) 191

I'd wager it's more the ecosystem lock in. Both of these app/media ecosystems have been around long enough that most users have a significant investment in them, whether they planned to or not.

The obvious lock in is previous app purchases, you don't want to have to rebuy all those apps and games you purchased on your first real app ecosystem.

If you have more than one person in the ecosystem, that's a real lock in... with app purchase and music subscription sharing, it simply costs more to have your family split between iOS and Android. In addition, you get access to great family features like location sharing when you all have the same type of device. So if you want to switch, you have to be ready to move not just your phone, but 2+ phones at the same time if you really use these features.

And not just money, but time, curating music libraries and playlists in the cloud music solution provided by the ecosystem takes time and effort. There do not appear to be many good tools to migrate this sort of thing over.

Comment Pretty Good Experiment (Score 1) 327

They seemed to cover all their bases. They put all the plants in a room with a router and red light. They told the plants that the red light meant the router was on. Whenever the red light was illuminated, almost 90% of the participating plants did not grow, regardless of the power status of router, whereas when the red light was off, all the plants grew, even when the router was powered on!

Comment Skills Needed Can't Be Taught (Score 1) 716

The most important skills needed for successful administrators and technical employees in general can't be taught. Critical thinking and problem solving.

College will teach you some good CS theory and maybe one to three languages and possibly some life skills if you don't already have them. But if you can't learn a new programming / scripting language or CS theory without a college class, you'll be viable after college for 5 years max.

If you are self taught, you will continue to self teach your entire life. If you additionally have critical thinking and problem solving skills and decent life skills, you will find that you continue to rise to the top of whatever team you are on and that opportunities seem to fall in your lap over and over again, regardless of whether you went to college or not.

You will live a comfortable life without much worry. And chances are if your problem solving skills are strong, then you also ENJOY solving problems and will enjoy your work.

Comment Re:Senior tech analyst? (Score 4, Interesting) 115

Seconded... they can't figure out that basically, a directional style type navigation device is missing and they keep trying to navigate with what is clearly a spot for the android home, search, back, menu hotkeys.

Only thing I was interested in was, can you take the SIM out and will it work in another device?

Comment Re:Does anyone know if... (Score 3, Informative) 109


Q: Can you please upload to ROM online, so the world can play it? There is no way publisher will release this, and if you don't it could be lost to time: Forever.
A: OK, I did it (9 years ago).

So, it looks like he dumped and uploaded the ROM as soon as he acquired the cart.

Comment Diffrence Between Video Games and Cars (Score 1) 276

I see a lot of comments here comparing the profits of video games to cars or TVs or other physical utilitarian devices.

The main difference, in my opinion, is that in the first year of owning a car or TV, only the first owner (or first owner's family) can get value from it. In the first year of life of a game disc, 12 people can get value from that one disc. And the value of the game disc is the same and never degrades or needs maintenance.

I don't think you'll see Bungie, Epic, or Infinity Ward complaining about this. They've figured it out... you sell people the game and give them a great multiplayer mode (or some other reason) to hang onto it, and they will. Used copies will be few and far between.

The people who are really suffering are those that make truly fantastic single player games. Prince of Persia comes to mind... it was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it. All 20 hours of it... and on my schedule, that's 5 days of having the game to do 100% of everything there is to do. So I rent it. I actually rent all games that have no multiplayer aspect. The only games I purchase are the ones I can see myself playing online still, 6 months down the line. You might say make the games longer, which is an option, but I personally don't WANT to invest more than 20 hours into any single player experience, and to be honest, when it is longer, like 100+ hours for a Final Fantasy game, you spend most of that time not having fun, just trying to level up to do everything.

This applies to DVDs and to a lesser extend music as well. One DVD can easily fully serve a group of 20 people in one week if they pass it around and watch it in groups.

I'll leave you with this... I think more than the disc, game companies, movie companies, etc are selling you the experience. The experience of playing through the game or the experience of watching the movie. And I believe they should be compensated for each experience they provide. I do think that $60 is a bit much for a video game, but I think it's to compensate for rentals and used game sales. Once everything goes digital, we will see a shift. Let's say that for every 1 copy of a new game that is bought, 2 people probably play that disc, on average, could be more or less, not sure. So $60 provides 2 play experiences. The publisher sees approx $30 per experience in this model, but assuming the first copy was $60 and the used copy was $55. That's $115 spent, and Gamestop probably paid the original owner about $25 for it, so they paid $35 for the experience. If the second owner sells it back very quickly for $25, then he would have paid only $30, bringing this in line with the above of $30 per experience. So $65 spent total for two plays, or $32.5 per experience. If the publishers had complete control over this, the players could have each spent less money for the same amount of, or more (because they get to keep the game), game.

However, it may be be a utopian thought to think the publishers would pass these savings onto us completely, I like to dream.

Comment Maybe Apple Intentionally "Allows" Jailbreaking (Score 4, Interesting) 255

This is all speculation... but perhaps Apple purposely leaves the holes in the OS to allow this type of circumvention. Hear me out if in for a good conspiracy theory...

I imagine there might be three areas of pressure to keep the OS closed:
1. I'd speculate the main pressure on Apple to keep the OS closed is to prevent the piracy of app store apps to keep application authors happily creating apps for the device and not having to worry about the general population being able to copy and install them. More applications = more iPad sales to the general public.
2. Since many iOS devices are enabled on mobile network not owned by Apple, I'm sure the networks "encourage" Apple to do their best to limit the ability of a user to use the network in unauthorized ways, such as tethering when not paying for the plan.
3. A tertiary focus on keeping the OS closed to keep support costs down. Limiting options = easier troubleshooting.

However, there is a contingent of users who will not buy the device unless they can do whatever they want with it / jailbreak it. Whether it's to load non-approved software or to pirate App Store applications or circumvent carrier restrictions in the mobile network enabled models. As far as I know, Apple doesn't take a loss on hardware sold, so Apple still wants their money and market share, so they leave these exploits available for them. This gives Apple the plausible deniability to the App Store application authors and the mobile network carriers ("Sorry, these dang HACKERS keep breaking through our security... we're doing our darndest but they keep getting around it... but don't worry, it's a pretty complex process and the average user doesn't bother.") and allows them to completely cut off support to people who have voided their warranty by performing the jailbreak.

It's genius if you think about it.

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