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Comment Re:Cobra effect (Score 1) 132

Not if only the the winner of catching the most, or the longest is awarded. No one is going to breed these pythons and release them to the wild just to have a chance to win $1500. Captive breeding is not an option because these pythons have to eat too, and will probably cost more than the award to raise them.

Comment Re:What's wrong with jQuery? (Score 1) 100

What's wrong is that jQuery is NOT CoffeeScript. In the computer science world, someone (must) come along to invent a new language to satisfy his own inflated ego. If I take a wild guess, I'd say that behind all the mumble jumbo, putting his name on a language, and eventually publishing a book about it is the real motivation.

Comment Re:Patience! (Score 2, Interesting) 454

If by means of intelligence, we are talking about lifeforms that invent religion, and would dedicate their lives killing each other because it's god's will, then no, dolphins and whales don't fit the bill. If this is how intelligent lifeforms should be, then any extraterritorial beings that are like us but are (more) intelligent probably don't exist anymore.

Comment Re:GWT for Python? (Score 1) 176

The principles sound good. In practice, things are done by conventions. Special method and member names for example. There is no access level modifiers, and as a result, every member, whether it is a method or a data in a class is public. Encapsulation is not enforced by the language. In fact, object data, methods, even class meta information is managed by dictionary. Any client who gets hold of a reference of a class can dynamically change it. To me, it *IS* a flexible language, but is often abused by creative python coders. My experience with python is that it is very easy to learn and to write, but hell to read if it is written by others.

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