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Comment Quite interesting... or, really expected? (Score 3, Interesting) 81

"It is quite interesting how Microsoft isn't letting users go back to Windows 10 S from Windows 10 Pro without having to completely reset their devices".

Makes perfect sense to me. 10S is locked to the windows store, so who knows what sort of crap you might have installed on there before reverting to Win10. A full reinstall is really the only way to ensure that you dont have any lingering shit.

Comment Re:Postgresql (Score 0) 314

You are doing it wrong. So, so wrong.

I have worked on SQL server instances with around 100Gb of data and we never have deadlocks: performance is great.

Give SQL a fast disk, a metric ton of memory, and some performance tuning and its sweet.

Comment Re:Windows No Longer King at MS (Score 4, Interesting) 314

Microsoft's acquisition of Xamarin is more about enhancing the market share of the toolsets than "giving up" on Windows.

Compiling for Windows is ridiculously easy with Xamarin, and with the acquisition I can see them enhancing the toolset for Android and iOS to make this easier than it is now.

I believe that this is more about making SQL Server skills (programming, not administration) more compatible across platforms, which enables people to learn one technology and move platforms easier.

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