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Comment Re:I thought this was known by now (Score 2) 777

Please don't stop at "some laws". I can think of volumes of laws that should be repealed. The problem with a full time legislature is that they have nothing else to do but come up with laws. All State and Federal legislatures should be paid to only work one month out of the year and the rest of the time they can go back to their "real" jobs. During that one month they can "create" whatever laws are deemed necessary so that should incentivize them do work on the real problems and not all the BS they waste time on. Of course, talk is cheap here in fantasy land...

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 2) 271

Cops can't get "Top Secret - Classified" stamped all over the wrong things they do which makes it easier to hold them accountable. The Feds on the other hand, just hide everything under the "threat to national security" blanket and good luck proving anything against them while it's still relevant there.

Comment Re:as well they (Score 1) 1271

Of course we should always do what the doctor tells us, because we all know that Doctors NEVER make any kinds of mistakes whatsoever. They are perfect beings put here to keep us on the perfect path. Bah! As a side note, my family doctor once prescribed an anti-depressant for my spouse. She called BS on the diagnosis, did her own research online (which is not normally a good thing. I know, I know...) and took the results back to him. He actually agreed with her, changed her meds and all is well and we think better of him as a doctor not because he screwed up, but because he listened.

Comment Re:How... interesting (Score 5, Funny) 257

If only there was some group who represented the interests of the artists who could go after these thieves who are stealing money from the mouths of the artists! Some select group who represented all the artists who could enjoin a legal action that would get the money that artists deserve back from the people who are stealing it from them.

Comment Re:U.S. law is the new international law (Score 1) 1005

No, I don't think they would. They might demand that MEXICAN authorities go after you, and failure to do so would cause an international incident, but they can't come after you directly. This action is outrageous.

Try telling that to Saddam Hussein or bin Laden or al-Awlaki. When the US wants you, they have ways of getting you.

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