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Comment Re:Agree with content, not the name (Score 1) 237

"the bigger the island of knowledge, the bigger the shore of ignorance".

It's the opposite (sorta). The more you expand the shore of knowledge, the bigger the island of ignorance. The more we know and discover, the more we realize what we don't know and have yet to discover.

And then there's the ocean of information around the island that in the famous (paraphrased) words of Donald Rumsfeld, you don't know you don't know.

Comment Re:oh, man. Prepare for another round. (Score 2) 86

That it would force people to write down the passwords in sticky notes and very cleverly paste it on the underside of the keyboard is not realized by the bozos, or if it did, it did not bother them.

People keep trotting this out as if it was some horrible, boogeyman security practice.

Quite frankly, it's probably better than any other security solution. After all, humans have spent thousands of years working on physical locks, while electronic ones (like passwords) have only been around for a few decades. And, physical security is another legitimate layer of security. Sure somebody can break into your work place and grab your passwords. But they'd actually have to be physically there. And the cops are much more likely (and able) to respond to a physical break-in than to some virtual intruder entering virtual storage.

The worst thing that could happen would be to electronically store the passwords in plain text. You get neither physical nor electronic security. That should be discouraged.

Comment Re:Slashdot (Score 5, Insightful) 226

Slashdot's not a publication. It's a community with links to articles as topics of conversation.

The raison d'etre of publications is producing articles and other pieces of content. The raison d'etre of Slashdot is the community and the discourse of other people's content.

tl;dr: Without (an effective system for) comments there is no Slashdot.

Comment Re:Way to encourage responsible disclosure. (Score 1) 87

Agreed. The "responsible" in responsible disclosure applies to both the researcher and the company. If the company is not responsible in their behavior towards the security hole, then there's no point in the researcher being responsible either.

Companies that have a bad track record of responsibility should have their security holes publicized immediately. After all, if they don't take their product's security seriously today, there's no reason to expect them to take their product's security seriously the next time around.

Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 3, Insightful) 254

By imperfectly mimicking the old Office GUI, the LibreOffice GUI (and UI in general) ended up falling into the uncanny valley. It sort of looks like MS Office, but because it differs in subtle ways both visually and behaviorially, it's off-putting.

If there's any OSS product that needs a UI redesign, it'd be LibreOffice. It'd be great if Mozilla could ship all their Firefox UI resources over, since it seems Firefox has so many choices they can't seem to decide which one to go with.

Comment Re:Welcome to the new world? (Score 1) 262

You just increased your attack surface while offering marginal benefit. The increase in attack surface is certainly new.

You're also paying additional for it, both during purchase (to recoup the manufacturer's R&D investment and for the additional physical components), and then afterwards as part of the car's maintenance. The additional costs associated with the additional components is also new.

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