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Comment Re:When to short Tesla? (Score 1) 117

I wouldn't dare short TSLA. Too many people emotionally invested to apply logic and reason to that ticker.

I don't know that the company will remain successful over the long haul. They seem to have scaling and quality issues. I have a feeling once the big automakers get their EV's in play, life's going to get much more difficult for Tesla.

They could be like Tucker, Nash, or Studebaker. Great products, but the companies still did not survive against the competition.

Comment Re: Better to under-promise and over-deliver (Score 1) 193

You're right. When I typed, successfully inoculated, I meant that the waiting period for the vaccine to take full effect had already happened. Yes, that period of time between getting the shot(s), and then the shots taking effect, is a period where one could become sick, and spread the virus. Sorry, I wasn't more clear.

I see the asymptomatic term tossed around by a lot of people who seem to equate it with someone who is not sick. They don't seem to understand that the term means someone who has contracted the disease, but doesn't display symptoms.

Comment Re:Vaccine for Positive Cases (Score 1) 193

There is no value to giving a vaccine shot to someone who is already sick. At that point you are just injecting more work for your immune system to process.

If your body has an actual instance of the real thing to use as a blueprint, a vague partial model of the real thing isn't going to be helpful.

Comment Re:Unexplained pessimism (Score 1) 193

I'll give you that D's did try to lock things down, however, they were wholly unsuccessful in that endeavor due to partisan and greedy behavior taking precedence over logical behavior. The lock-downs that could have worked, did not work, due to lack of bilateral participation (along with other fringe dissenters).

The rest of your points are complete bullshit. This pandemic could have been under control (not gone, but under control) months ago, if only dipshits stopped being selfish, and agreed to cooperate for a couple of months. We could have had a lot of commerce and education back to normal, or at least a close approximation of normal, by now.

Comment Re:For a few months. It's 100% effective at commun (Score 1) 193

We are not in control of our immune system's long-term ability. (Some of it is hereditary, but how do you control that?)

The only options we have are to be exposed to the virus/bacteria and hope our immune/reactionary systems carry the day, or to take actions known to keep us from being exposed to those nasty things in the first place.

If I can avoid being sick, that is the route I want to pursue.

Comment Re:We need to be cautious (Score 1) 193

No. That is a grossly overblown point of view. Once everyone that can be vaccinated has been vaccinated, then it is time to put away the masks, and resume normal life. Unless some other new superbug comes along, then the other social distancing measures (except the hand washing - you pigs) can be relaxed, too.

Comment What? Bullshit. (Score 2) 333

You can damn well bet there are multiple forensic backups of Parler's bullshit website and data. Anybody who thinks amazon would just flip a switch, or type a command, and push the data to oblivion is a complete moron.

Those of you who left incriminating evidence are well and truly fucked, if it comes down to it.

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