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Comment Re:Loss of features? (Score 1) 662

Have you seen an average person's Windows box lately? It's full of random crap they've downloaded, each of which installs a desktop shortcut, a toolbar in the browser, a tray icon that pops up daily. Each one is "free" so you'll download it, but then uses all of these various ways of getting in your face to try to get you to spend money somehow. And that's if you're lucky, and don't have any malware.

Now think about an iPhone/iPad. They don't have nearly as many extension points, so they're not as customizable, but the upside is that there's less hooks for programs to get into and pop up in your face (and slow down and destabilize your system). Not to mention that the App Store blocks crappy/malicious/deceitful software.

I really hope that iOS will take up the mantle of an it-just-works machine for the average non-nerd. Walled gardens have their disadvantages, I agree. But they sure are pretty.


Submission + - Tor browser bundle: Is it the most secure?

SonnyJim writes: I frequently use Tor for my anonymous browsing needs, via the Tor Firefox bundle for Windows. I noticed that there are many other applications out there that use Tor as a proxy as well (Janus VM, ChrisPC, etc.) Are any of them more secure than the original Tor bundles, or am I just wasting my time trying these other applications? Is there anything more secure than Tor, as far as anonymous browsing goes?

Comment Re:fools (Score 1) 577

Doubt that, turns out the same day 100,000 Drum Fish died the same day.

Um... not the same day. The day before. And: "Biologists believe the bird deaths were stress-related from either fireworks or weather and are unrelated to the fish kill near Ozark, Stephens said."

Comment The Atlantic things otherwise. (Score 1) 205

"When will China emerge as a military threat to the U.S.? In most respects the answer is: not anytime soon -- China doesn't even contemplate a time it might challenge America directly. But one significant threat already exists: cyberwar. Attacks -- not just from China but from Russia and elsewhere -- on America's electronic networks cost millions of dollars and could in the extreme cause the collapse of financial life, the halt of most manufacturing systems, and the evaporation of all the data and knowledge stored on the Internet."



Submission + - Teaching the blind to make movies (boston.com)

axlrosen writes: Kevin Bright, the producer of Friends and other TV shows, is teaching film-making at Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts.

Submission + - Third World Saves First Word (designforthefirstworld.com)

axlrosen writes: Dx1W is "a competition for Third World minds to solve First World problems". After all, developing countries are presumably developing into developed countries. And developed countries aren't exactly problem-free.

"We have been focusing our energy and resources on trying to solve our Third World problems to become more like the First World. But perhaps it is time that we, the so called Third World minds, focused our energy and creativity on solving some of the First World problems. We will have a brighter future to look forward to, and perhaps this can help us rethink and approach our current problems from a different perspective."

Submission + - Please correct the solar panel story (slashdot.org)

axlrosen writes: Please correct the summary of this story. The panels are 15-20% efficient, not 86% efficient. It would be sad if people thought that super-efficient solar power would soon be available, thus discounting the need for other energy improvements.

Details of the correct data are in this comment: http://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1566304&cid=31312864

Thanks! :)

Comment Differentiation is good (Score 3, Interesting) 371

If you don't like a company crippling a product, what are the alternatives?

Well, one alternative is that the company couple sell different physical products with the different capabilities. Of course, that would increase costs, so both the crippled and uncrippled versions would cost more.

Or, the company could only sell uncrippled hardware. Now, what price would they sell it for? They certainly can't sell it for the lower price of a crippled product, because they'd lose money. So now you've lost the choice between a lower-price/lower-featured product, and a higher-price/higher-featured product. In other words, richer people win, poorer people lose.

So we should recognize that there's a benefit to being able to sell different sets of features to different consumers. More people get what they want at a price they can afford.

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