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Comment The wise man built his house upon the rock... (Score 1) 158

In prison, "work" is the best possible approximation of real work but it is not real work with real responsibilities or control, and there is not real pay and conditions.

Making an "application" based on a digital prison is an approximation of a real app but based on a false foundation. There is no real control or security over the platform.

Comment Re:Overpriced (Score 1) 219

Compared to ASUS and MSI motherboards, Intel ones are (were) overpriced. I can't imagine anyone will miss them.

That was exactly my first thought. Intel didn't price their boards very competitively, probably out of a desire not to annoy the downstream manufacturers. I often admired the Intel mobos but always then went and bought an ASUS instead, the extra money saved can be spent on the processor and RAM.

Comment Re:Just one thing... (Score 1) 219

Exactly, when the hype dies down, everyone will go back to their keyboards connected to static desktops.

However, I actually do run Emacs on my Samsung S3 using a small bluetooth keyboard. Nothing wrong with the form factor if you stick to a resonable line width (e.g. 80 characters). The port however to Android is immature and sometimes dies because Android does not provide all the shared libraries a normal Linux distro would, however, once they get that sorted out it will be better. You still have to prop the phone up somehow though which is not always simple.

Comment Hollywood Accounting (Score 1) 2

I once met David Prowse at an air show in Norfolk where we has doing signatures, cool guy. He taught us a (perhaps ironic if TFA is true) set of words for the Star Wars Theme:

Star Wars
Made me a fortune
Paid off the mortgage
Bought me a car

Obviously it is funnier sang to the theme :)

Comment Regicide (Score 1) 2

TFA: "A monogyne colony will accept only the original queen and kill any other that shows up"

I wondered how they kill them, and of course youtube has the answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OihECopliz8

They just kind of pull her apart. I think she could have put up more of a fight, at least she could have taken out a few on her way out.

Comment Alice in Wonderland (Score 1) 1

I never really understood why taxpayer funded research is written up on taxpayer funded time by taxpayer funded professors. The other taxpayer funded professors are then bought a copy of the article by the taxpayers. The only people who cannot access the articles are the taxpayers themselves. There is not really a good excuse for this in the internet age when the marginal cost of distribution is zero.

Comment Not sure this will help an ARM system much (Score 4, Insightful) 82

I can understand an organisation on the scale of Facebook wanting the ability to take advantage of bargains to buy processors in bulk and swap them out. I am not sure how widely applicable this is though.

The cool thing about ARM is the lack of complexity and therefore a potentially cheaper cost and greater energy efficiency. The daughter board seems to go against that by adding complexity, if you swap out an ARM chip, which might be passively cooled or have low powered fan, with some high end Intel server chip, you will also need to change the cooling and PSU.

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