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Artists Strive To Wrest Rights From Music Industry 287

eldavojohn writes "The funny thing about the RIAA & BPI is that the artists are just as tired as the fans with how online music is being handled. So they're trying something new called the Featured Artists' Coalition. FAC's site states in their charter: 'We believe that all music artistes should control their destiny because ultimately it is their art and endeavors that create the pleasure and emotion enjoyed by so many.' As digital releases are increasing, the artists aren't seeing any more money. With the advent of online distribution, are the traditional music industry functions of promotion, samples, radio, and marketing now nothing but costly overhead for the artists? From Iron Maiden to Kate Nash to Radiohead, some big names are backing this new organization."

Journal Journal: College Textbook Affordability Act 11

I ran across an item in the local paper today that I think will interest young slashdotters who haven't yet finished with college. My US Senator, Dick Durbin, has authored the "College Textbook Affordability Act".

The paper says major provisions of the act were "included in the higher education reauthorization signed into law on Aug. 14."


Police Lose National High-Tech Crime Unit Website 93

Barence writes "The UK police have embarrassingly lost control of the National High-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) website. PC Pro reports the police have sloppily let the domain registration lapse, and it has now been picked up by an opportunistic German owner. The NHTCU was disbanded two years ago, but sites such as the BBC were still linking to the website as recently as July, making it a prime target for malware writers or phishing attacks."
User Journal

Journal Journal: In the news: Chicago Tribune 3

What is wrong with these people? Our next President will be either a doddering old fool or a young idiot.

WGN Radio up in Chicago apparently has a right wing wacko that is trying to swiftboat Obama. Now, if I were Obama I'd ignore the dufus.


Submission + - Paraplegics take first steps with robotic legs

sm62704 writes: "New Scientist says that a robotic exoskeleton for paraplegics has been invented.

The device, called ReWalk, is the brainchild of engineer Amit Goffer, founder of Argo Medical Technologies, based in Israel. paralysed himself, he can't use his own device, since you need crutches with it and he lacks arm strength.

There is a video at NS of a man using this device. You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile! When the time comes you will beg to join us cyborgs."
United States

Journal Journal: Hoover for President! 4

I saw a sig today that said something to the effect of "Bush is the Republicans' Jimmy Carter". I never thought I'd ever see a worse President than Carter, but Bush proved me wrong. But he's not Carter, he's Coolige.

I fear that whichever of the two candidates I'll be voting against this November wins, our next President will be Herbert Hoover, because those who refuse to study history are indeed destined to repeat it.


Submission + - 'spaghetti monster' powered by magnetic fields 1

sm62704 writes: "New Scientist has an article up titled Galactic 'spaghetti monster' powered by magnetic fields. From the article:

Long-lived magnetic fields are sustaining a mammoth network of spaghetti-like gas filaments around a black hole, a new study suggests. Previously, it was not clear what prevented the delicate filaments from being destroyed by competing gravitational forces.

The black hole lies at the heart of a large galaxy known as NGC 1275, which itself lies near the centre of a cluster of galaxies called Perseus.

As the black hole sucks in gas from its surroundings, it powers jets of matter that produce bubbles of energetic particles in the surrounding cluster gas. As these bubbles grow and rise, cooled gas from NGC 1275's core gets drawn into long tendrils in their wake, like the strings that trail behind balloons.

New Scientist has a Hubble photo of the "spagetti monster" in the article."

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - FEMA hacked

sm62704 writes: "The AP is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security's FEMA was hacked over the weekend. The hacker maed $12,000 worth of phone calls to the middle east.

Feel safer now?"

Submission + - "Gay gene" found

sm62704 writes: "New Scientist (and probably others) is repoorting that the perplexing question of how an anti-evolutionary trait like homosexuality and bisexuality can persist.

It turns out that the "gay gene" is on the X chromosome, of which females have two and males have one.

Andrea Camperio Ciani and colleagues at the University of Padua, Italy, showed that the female relatives of homosexual men tend to have more children, suggesting that genes on the X chromosome are responsible. Now the team have shown that the same is true for bisexuality.
"The answer is remarkably simple: the same gene that causes men to like men also causes women to like men, and as a result to have more children."

The article has details about the research itself."


Slashdot's Disagree Mail 489

I am responsible for reading most of the help requests sent to Slashdot. Most of the mail I get in a day is what you would expect, comments and concerns about postings, user accounts and Slashdot itself. There are a very special group however that get passed around the office due to the inordinate level of anger, lack of understanding and just plain weirdness they possess. Through the years I've collected many and still get such gems on a regular basis. We thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite rants, ramblings and ruminations with the rest of you. I give to you the first of many installments of Slashdot's disagree mail. The names have been changed to protect the idiot — hit the link below to drink it in.

Submission + - 'Beer goggles' are real - it's official

sm62704 writes: "New Scientist reports on a new study that shows that people do become more attractive when you are drinking.

In 2003, psychologists at the University of Glasgow, UK, published a study in which they asked heterosexual students in campus bars and cafés whether they had been drinking, and then got them to rate photos of people for attractiveness. While the results supported the beer goggles theory, another explanation is that regular drinkers tend to have personality traits that mean they find people more attractive, whether or not they are under the influence of alcohol at the time.

To resolve the issue, a team of researchers led by Marcus Munafò at the University of Bristol in the UK conducted a controlled experiment. They randomly assigned 84 heterosexal students to consume either a non-alcoholic lime-flavoured drink or an alcoholic beverage with a similar flavour. The exact amount of alcohol varied according to the individual but was designed to have an effect equivalent to someone weighing 70 kilograms drinking 250 millitres of wine — enough to make some students tipsy. After 15 minutes, the students were shown pictures of people their own age, from both sexes.

Both men and women who had consumed alcohol rated the faces as being more attractive than did the controls (Alcohol and Alcoholism, DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agn065).

So guys, if you're ugly, get her drunk!"

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Booted from black hat conference for hacking

sm62704 writes: The AP is reporting that three French hackers have been ejected from the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas for hacking.

The French journalists captured what they claimed were usernames and passwords of reporters from at least two media outlets — eWeek and CNET News. The eWeek reporter told organizers his login credentials looked like they were legitimate, while the CNET information appeared to be bogus.

The story doesn't say if they surrendered their credentials. But if they got caught, well, they weren't very good, were they?

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