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Submission + - Facebook Will Let You Flag Content As 'False' (

jfruh writes: If you're tired of seeing fake or misleading news articles posted by your friends to Facebook and then spreading like wildfire, you might be in luck. In a system that's something like Slashdot comment moderation on a grand scale, you'll now be able to flag a story as false. Links that have been flagged this way by many users will appear less frequently in people's newsfeeds, or with a disclaimer attached.

Submission + - Local Hackerspace loses solar balloon, creating another UFO in New Mexico

bugnuts writes: Local Albuquerque, NM Hackerspace, Quelab, created and unintentionally launched a solar-powered tetroon over the city, prompting several calls to the FAA, Kirtland AFB, and news organizations, describing it as a "floating tortilla chip." The tetroon allows sunlight to pass through the top layer, heating the inner black layers, creating a hot-air balloon as the interior gas expands.

Besides the well-known "Roswell" incident, New Mexico often has many UFO sightings due to the prevalence of technology and military groups, good weather, and clear skies.

Submission + - Interior of burnt Herculaneum scroll read for first time 1

Solandri writes: When Mt. Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79, it destroyed a library of classical works in Herculaneum. The papyrus scrolls weren't incinerated, but were instead carbonized by the hot gases. The resulting black carbon cylinders have mostly withstood attempts to read their contents since their discovery. Earlier attempts to unfurl the scrolls yielded some readable material, but were judged too destructive. Researchers decided to wait for newer technology to be invented that could read the scrolls without unrolling them.

Now, a team led by Dr Vito Mocella from the National Research Council's Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (CNR-IMM) in Naples, Italy has managed to read individual letters inside one of the scrolls. Using a form of x-ray phase contrast tomography, they were able to ascertain the height difference (about 0.1mm) between the ink of the letters and the papyrus fibers which they sat upon. Due to the fibrous nature of the papyrus and the carbon-based ink, regular spectral and chemical analysis had thus far been unable to distinguish the ink from the paper. Further complicating the work, the scrolls are not in neat cylinders, but squashed and ruffled as the hot gases vaporized water in the papyrus and distorted the paper.

Full paper in Nature Communications (paywalled).

Submission + - The current state of Linux video editing (

An anonymous reader writes: The VFX industry has for the most part of the last 30 years been reliant on Mac and PC for video editing, primarily because all of the Linux-based FOSS tools have been less than great. This is a shame because all of the best 3D and 2D tools, other than video, are entrenched in the Linux environment and perform best there. The lack of decent video editing tools on Linux prevents every VFX studio from becoming a Linux-only shop. That being said, there are some strides being made to bridge this gap, as I discovered over the last few weeks.

Comment Re:We have not made an official announcement yet (Score 1) 152

I masked all versions of udev above 171 because of the /usr merge. There are some nice things that udev does, mainly ensure consistent matching of device names to actual hardware. However, (for any of my systems anyway) the plug-and-play stuff isn't really needed until after the OS is up and running. I really don't need the system to do anything with random USB thumb drives or game controllers at boot time. The thought had occurred to me to simply go back to a static /dev.

I've looked into alternatives. There is tmpfs-based /udev support in the kernel that seems to work well (minus security settings). mdev, from busybox, seems to work well. I've also looked at mudev, though not much past the project page.

If Gentoo devs are forking udev into a new project that supports separate disk partitions for root directories, then I'll fully support and install it.

Comment Re:Federal Judges Need to Go Back to School (Score 1) 584

They call themselves "Progressives", as in progressing past the restrictions on government power in the Constitution.

As to the definition of "Progressivism", I'll let one of the icons of the Progressive movement define it's views relating to the Constitution in his own words: "Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws." -- Woodrow Wilson

I'm not sure how the quote supports your definition of "Progressive". At first glance, the quote suggests that we, the American people, are of such great character that we would restore the Constitution if it were to be discarded. I do not generally study political history. However, this conflict of logic piqued my curiosity. I thought that maybe, within context, the quote would support your definition. A quick Google search only returned links to political propaganda sites. I thought it a bit strange that I couldn't find this quote in a historical context. Even doesn't seem to have it.

Comment Re:I'll believe it when I see... (Score 1) 867

However, someone will observe you traveling faster than light, going from point A to point B faster than light would travel the same distance. If nobody sees you traveling faster than light, then how can you say you did so at all?

I'm a little confused by this idea. At no point does the warp ship go from point A to point B faster than light would travel the same distance. The path that the ship takes is shorter than the path that the light takes. The distance is not equal.

If an observer were near point B, I can see how it might appear that the ship arrived before it left. However, this would be an optical illusion based on the greater distance that the light traveled.

Comment Re:My experience: possibly eGroupWare or SOGo? (Score 1) 189

I've used Citadel. It is not a bad groupware package. It is open source, easy to install, and actively maintained. I don't believe it supports encryption of the database and it uses a file attachment model rather than a file server model. However, it works fairly well for calenders and messaging.

Comment Re:Update available from fake Windows Update serve (Score 1) 78

This is not a fix for machines already pwned. It is a precautionary step to foil copycats

I figured as much. I just thought the loop was funny...

Microsoft releases all updates as separately downloadable packages.

I see that this patch does offer an executable download. However, not all patches are available as executables. I'm not on the machine now. So I'm not sure of the patch numbers. However, I have a Vista machine that has 2 security updates, from May, permanently stuck in an install loop. They successfully install about every 10 minutes. I tried several solutions. Microsoft has a FixIt application that told me Windows Update needed to be repaired. It claims to fix it every time it is run. However, the problem does not go away. So I tried to find the downloadable version of the update to see if installing it in Safe Mode would work. No Go. The only file available for download was a .msu file. Unfortunately, msu files require that Windows Update be running with an active network connection. They do not work in Safe Mode. At this point I think a reinstall is needed. However, Vista is a major pain. If I have to reinstall, I'm putting XP back on the machine.

Comment Update available from fake Windows Update server? (Score 2) 78

Microsoft also released its new updater for certificates as a critical update for Windows Vista and later versions as part of today's July Patch Tuesday. ... and how the attackers were able to forge a Microsoft certificate and then use it to impersonate a Windows Update server."

So, to protect users from potentially trusting a fake Windows Update server, Microsoft is releasing this update through a Windows Update server, which potentially could be fake? I suppose that if your computer already trusts a fake server, it is too late. However, I wish Microsoft would go back to providing downloadable updates that didn't depend on Windows Update.

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