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Comment ...eventually (Score 1) 470

" Those scientists who were able to throw off the yoke of established knowledge and break new ground on their own are revered and respected."... many years later. Their contemporaries often criticized and ridiculed them, even threatening excommunication if they didn't recant.

Comment Re:Making money (Score 1) 151

Funded by taxpayers doesn't infer the taxpayer has open use of what they funded. The B2 was taxpayer funded, but I can't just walk onto a base and ask to fly one, or get plans to build my own and offer joy rides for my own profit. I know there are probably several large holes in my analogy; maybe a car analogy would be better?

Comment Large Privacy Implicatons? (Score 1) 198

Because anyone would guess his bank account password matches the first 5 markers? Medical info, ok sorta, but otherwise I'm missing the privacy issue here that could be exploited. Then again: " From:pharmco... Re:your genetics... We see in your genes you are due to have "performance" issues soon. Order your v14gra today! "

Comment Re:Pfah. (Score 1) 272

So what do you do when the boss asks for data in a way the application didn't anticipate? Give me how many widgets we sold in June to evil inventors in the tri-state area, for example. I know I can do that relationally, and I know I can with cube-based DBs, but I've not understood how NoSQL systems handle the unexpected ad hoc needs, so I'm genuinely interested and not trolling.

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