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Comment Re:We kill mice for this? (Score 1) 94

There are links between graying hair and significant health related problem in people. I can indicate that you've been very stressed and/or you are getting old.
Either of those conditions carry with them health problems. In the case aging at least, even death.
Also, torturing test subject helps relieve stress in researchers.

Comment Re:Contrast (Score 1) 118

Nothing wrong with the FLAT UI. There is a reason everyone is copying the concept, including google and the open source community.

Peer pressure?
omfglearntoplay got it right. What's wrong with it, is that it makes making out the features of the ui, like buttons, harder.
Personally I use WindowBlinds to address the issue i windows 10. Currently my desktop almost looks like a win7 desktop, transparency included.

Comment Re:It's Not All About Security (Score 1) 421

BASE64 encoding?:)
If you have local admin you can overwrite the group policies.
You run your script via the task scheduler on start, logon and whenever else you think they might try to push policies to your computer.
While it may not solve your main problem, it might at least make other things a bit more bearable.

Comment Re:SamKnows from the FCC (Score 1) 294

Cable? Wouldn't know about that market, since I don't watch TV.

But I do have FTTH and eight different ISP:s to chose from.
My current fiber options:
I live in stockholm, btw.

Google claims that "1 US Dollar equals 7.22 Swedish Krona", if you wish to do a price comparison.

There are plenty more ISP:s if you prefer ADSL. Don't know why you're so hung up on cable. There are plenty of other options.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
