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Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 1172

What I have always seen it boil down to is the fact that he lies. Not all the time, maybe not even most of the time. But on numerous occasions, he has outright lied or deliberately misconstrued the facts in a malicious fashion. I view this as problematic because there are viewers of his show who take everything he says to be true, and base some of their opinions on outright lies.

Comment Re:Hackers Diet FTW. (Score 1) 978

There is no such thing as "toning"; looking toned is simply displaying the muscle you have at a given fat level. It is harder for females to gain muscle mass for the reasons that you stated(i.e hormonal), but it doesn't change the fact that the same methods are followed, and the rate of strength adaptation follows a similar curve.

Most people, even the slim looking cardio "gym rat " females, could benefit from gaining some extra muscle mass. At the very least progression through novice levels of strength adaptation (which results in a corresponding gain in mass) is something everyone should strive to achieve. You look better, you're stronger, you feel better and you're healthier. Perhaps more relevant to this story, having more lean body mass means that your basal metabolic rate is higher and you burn more calories just by carrying the muscle than you would without.

Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore have written extensively on this subject, and reading anything by them is extremely valuable in understanding strength training and it's benefits. I highly recommend Starting Strength (author's website here though some preliminary information sans physiological elaborations can be found on a user made wiki here) for everyone to read. It covers the physiological basis of strength training and a very straightforward way to approach it.

Comment Re:This is their right. (Score 1) 374

The U.S isn't a sentient entity. It is a country made up of various individuals, and as has been evidenced throughout time and in the current day there are those who would abuse power, abolish rights and oppress others. We are constantly in a struggle to uphold core ideals and preserve the human rights of those both within and without our borders; the latter however should be a shared responsibility, and we have gotten into trouble in the past when we haven't treated it as such. The U.S may have faultered but it doesn't change the fact that there are still people here trying to do the right thing.
The Internet

Submission + - Barnes and Noble Offers FREE WiFi (barnesandnoble.com)

suraj.sun writes: Now at Barnes and Noble, complimentary Wi-Fi. No fees. No Charges. Just Log on.

We have always wanted our stores to feel like home--a place where people can relax, explore and connect with ideas and each other at their leisure. So it is only natural that, in today's world, we want our customers to enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi. You can explore the world the way connects us to the world today.

Barnes and Noble : http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/Wi-fi-at-Barnes-and-Noble/379001240/?cds2Pid=16444

Comment Re:Mobsters, the new clinical trialists. (Score 5, Informative) 324

That is the nature of research with animals. There is regulation (here in the U.S) that attempts to minimize pain when possible and guidelines that must be followed to acquire animals for research, but there has been substantial progress made through animal research. If you've got a viable alternative I'm sure it would be considered. Take a look at the wiki page for more info.

Dye Used In Blue M&Ms Can Lessen Spinal Injury 324

SydShamino writes "Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have found that the dye used in blue M&Ms and other foods can, when given intravenously to a lab rat shortly after a spinal injury, minimize secondary damage caused by the body when it kills off nearby healthy cells. The dye is called BBG or Brilliant Blue G. Given that 85% of spinal injury patients are currently untreated (and some doctors don't trust the treatment given to the other 15%), a relatively safe treatment like this could help preserve some function for thousands of patients. The best part is that in lab rats the subjects given the treatment turn blue." The researchers are "pulling together an application to be lodged with the FDA to stage the first clinical trials of BBG on human patients."

Transparent Aluminum Is "New State of Matter" 406

Professor_Quail writes with this interesting excerpt: "Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminum by bombarding the metal with the world's most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminum' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion."

Submission + - Mammalian genomes are shrinking (examiner.com)

mmmscience writes: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-1242-Science-News-Examiner~y2009m7d28-Mammalian-genome-is-shrinking Unlike their leafy and hairless counterparts, mammals have contracting genomes. It is due to a lack of new transposable elements, those lovable jumping genes that viruses dump into the genomic code. While a human's DNA is still made up of 45% of transposable elements, they are mostly very old. Natural selection has seen mammals incorporate fewer new transposable elements than plants and nonmammals.

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