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Comment Logitech "Access" keyboard (Score 1) 452

I've been working a Logitech "Access" keyboard hard every day for a decade. If it were to ever die for some reason, I'd try very hard to find another. It feels great, keeps up with my speedy typing, and handles my keystroke-overlapping "chord" style of typing without ever a single character showing up out of sequence like they do on so many crappy keyboards.

Comment Residential use is a drop in the bucket (Score 3, Informative) 362

I find residential usage citations vary from 5-13% of total California water usage. Let's say it's 10%. I'm having a hard time figuring out how cutting my usage by, say, a big 25% along with every other California resident is going to solve the problem when that represents maybe 2.5% of total water usage. Don't get me wrong, I see no reason to waste water unnecessarily, but I just don't get all the emphasis on residential usage when it's a drop in the bucket. What am I missing?
United States

Submission + - Meet 'Future You.' Like What You See?

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The WSJ reports that computer scientists, economists, neuroscientists and psychologists are teaming up to find innovative ways of turning impulsive spenders into patient savers and one way to shock Americans into saving more for their retirement is software that lets users stare into a camera in a virtual-reality laboratory and see an image staring back of how they will look in the year 2057. By enabling the young to see themselves as they will be when they are old, virtual-reality technology can transform their urge to spend for today into a willingness to save for tomorrow because to the extent that people can more vividly imagine how badly they will feel in the future with little to no retirement savings, they can be motivated to save more money now. In one test experimental subjects who saw a persuasive visual analog of a 70-year old version of themselves by morphing the shape and texture of his avatar to simulate the aging process reported they would save twice as much as those who didn't (PDF). "An employee's ID photo could be age-morphed and placed on the benefits section of the company's website," says Dan Goldstein of London Business School. "From there, we're just a few clicks and a few minutes away from someone making a lasting decision that can be worth thousands [of dollars].""

Submission + - US Facebook Data Passed Through Chinese ISP (

An anonymous reader writes: Earlier this week, your Facebook posts could have been rewritten on the Great Wall of China, not just on your friends’ walls. For about 30 minutes on Tuesday morning, Facebook traffic in the US, or at least the connections going through AT&T’s Internet services, did not travel via the most direct route. Normally, AT&T passes packets of data to US-based Level3 Communications, which in turn hands them off to Facebook’s servers. Instead, the connections went the long way: through servers owned by China Telecom’s ChinaNet, the state-owned ISP of mainland China, and then to SK Broadband, a commercial ISP in South Korea, before finding their way to Facebook.

Submission + - Kinect's AI breakthrough explained (

mikejuk writes: Microsoft Research has just published a scientific paper and a video showing how the Kinect body tracking algorithm works — it's almost as amazing as some of the uses the Kinect has been put to! This article explains how it does it.

Comment moderation still broken (Score 1) 2254

All I know is that I still have my usual 5 moderation points and no matter how many comments I do moderation on the comments' scores don't change and I still have 5 points. This has happens every time I get moderation points, and it doesn't matte if I use Firefox or IE, same result. Is moderation a big prank? Does anybody else have this problem?

Comment Re:Ooh ooh! I know this one! (Score 2) 735

Would that be the Pradeep Principle?

When you do find though, is that the generic programmer you get from Indian development shops are the inexperienced ones. There's a very strong hierarchy in these places (and in India in general) which means that once a dev gets experience, he will expect to be promoted to a more senior supervisor/manager/etc position. Once there, coding is not part of his job description, and from what I've found the guys in these positions quickly start to resist being put back in a coding position.

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