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Comment Re: I'm missing something (Score 1) 126

Not sure what to think about this:

... people don't wait until they are ready to upgrade and then go out and read reviews...

I have far to much a life to be reading the reviews of every cool little gadget or other product on the day of release!

Besides, with my luck I would read a review on the day of release, remember that review when I wanted to upgrade, then buy a P90! Which I did. I now read reviews when I'm ready to upgrade... This can still result in buying bad products, but at least I feel like I'm trying!

Comment Re:The criminals just made a huge mistake (Score 1) 212

They picked the wrong target. If you hit a small business it's easier to pay. If you hit a large business you pay because you don't want people to find out. You hit a hospital though and people could die and it is very very public.

Right about now there will be a whole lot of resources targeted towards finding these people. They are fucked.

One can only hope!!!

Comment Re:Sorry (Score 1) 212

How dare those IT guys fail, seriously FAIL, to protect against every single, fucking danger there IS! Obviously, they have an UNLIMITED budget, holy f*ck! How dare they.

News for YOU buddy! They, the IT people, didn't cause the problem. Criminal P'sOS did.

How's this for a proposal: If you are caught endangering the health system in an egregious manner and are found guilty, YOU, your immediate ancestors(2, 3 or more parents), AND ALL of your descendants are put to death.

I can support that.

Comment Re:Blaming the tool is not the problem (Score 1) 110

...and the problem will change.

A thought: "and the problem will change" implies that "the problem", or maybe, the results, will just "change" location. Or more colloquially, "move somewhere else".

Not trying to be obtuse, just a bit far into the nearest bottle...

As an aside

People who use guns to injure / kill another human obviously have no respect for others.

I won't use my gun to kill you, as long as you don't break into my house (obviously, at this point I no longer have any respect for you). Or try to carjack me (ditto). I know it is not simple, but sometimes it is.

Comment Re:Do not negotiate with criminals (Score 1) 70

intellectual property law is philosophically incoherent. it is your moral duty to ignore it or sabotage it

As you advocate committing crimes, I can see where you're coming from....

The laws concerning marijuana in much of the US are still morally reprehensible, encouraging people to break those laws is worse than the crime(s) of breaking those laws.

The "society" where laws are ignored will end up being, arguably, just as bad if not worse than the brutal society where people are punished "too harshly" for breaking laws.

Comment IANAL! But... (Score 1) 1

You should get this documented with at least one local police department. And then document and report, to the police, EVERYTHING that even seems suspicious.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 385

IIUC, Amen is properly interpreted as meaning "So let it be" (traditionally "so be it", but subjunctive I is rarely used anymore).

As such, Amen is not the proper resoponse to an accurate portrayal of a historical fact. "yay verily" would be more accurate.

I was agreeing with this part of the quote:

You guys aren't fit to name the people who were there at the Internet's day one.

Sorry if I didn't make it obvious enough.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 385

No, you're not. You weren't born on the Internet's "day one". I was there on the other hand, and the people I knew back then would have had pieces of Gamergaters/MRAs/KiAs/and /pol in their crap. You guys aren't fit to name the people who were there at the Internet's day one.

If I was particularly religious, I would say "Amen". Ah, I'll say it anyway: "Amen"!

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