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Comment Communicators (Score 1) 420

Nokia went with devices like the Communicator, which opened out to give a big screen for web browsing with a computer style keyboard, with much of their pre-iPhone touch screen developments still on the drawing board when Apple pounced.

That makes it sound like Nokia's Communicator only failed because it missed the "next big thing'" of touchscreen. The real reason they failed was because they were awful phones. Even without the touchscreen iPhone around to compare to, they were terrible. Slow, buggy, poor UI, heavy, bad hardware design.

Nokia may have lacked courage and vision, but they also lacked technical ability.

Comment Think of the future (Score 1) 515

At some point in the future, you are going to screw up badly at work. It's inevitable: you do something every day for years, you're going to make a mistake. When that day comes, do you want to be known as the arrogant one in the office that's always complaining?

Or do you want to be the one that everyone remembers for patiently helping them out with their work, so that you can rely on colleagues to help you out, minimise the fallout and defend you to management?

Comment Re:Prime numbers online article thing (Score 1) 630

Yes I agree with that. The thing is, ever time I made things more accurate I later realise I've made it too involved.

However, it *is* visually convincing and it does explain it, and so I thought it would make quite a good introduction.

Do feel free to get in contact with me about any ideas though. I know it isn't perfect, or anywhere near, and there is always a good reason to improve it.

As for the other comment, opps I'll fix that.


Linux Kernel Booting On the iPhone 115

mhm was one of many readers to note that the Linux 2.6 kernel has been ported to the iPhone. "Planetbeing, one of the iPhone devteam members, has been working on porting Linux to the iPhone (along with a custom bootloader called OpeniBoot). Today they managed to boot the kernel! Video showing the boot process has been posted. Instructions and binaries are available on the project blog."
Hardware Hacking

History of the LED — the Movie 106

ptorrone writes "MAKE Magazine has a fantastic 'Connections'-style video called THE LED — The short documentary has the history of the LED to modern day applications. Starting with the work of Russian Oleg Vladimirovich Losev, which was largely ignored in the 1920s, to making your own 'Cat's Whisker' — a primitive LED made from a metal-semiconductor point-contact junction forming a Schottky barrier diode. The first practical visible-spectrum LED was developed in 1962 by Nick Holonyak Jr., while working at General Electric Company."

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