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Comment Re:Synesthesia (Score 1) 79

I usually season my food synethesially. Colors and textures evoked by the flavors of the ingredients guide my recipes. My creations have received praise from people who didn't know that I owe my cooking prowess to past experience with hallucinogenic substances. And even tho I do not use auditory clues in my cooking, I DO use it in other applications of synesthesia. It is clearly obvious to me that the local auditory environment would influence the taste (and other sensory experiences) of food. If you don't understand or identify with this, I'm sorry you have such a bland sensorium. Try the mushrooms.

Comment Not enough time (Score 1) 95

The variation in decay rates is said to have two cycles; a yearly fluctuation, and a 33-day cycle (proposed first because that's the rotation of the sun's core, THEN found in the data). These experiments should have been run for at least 66 days, preferably for more than two years, before making claims that this has anything at all to do with the effects that have been observed so far. They can't even say that gold-198 displays evidence of the phenomenon they are trying to measure. This experiment cannot provide any useful information for investigating the possible connection between nuclear decay rates and distance to the sun. Nothing to see here but some attention grabbing with no real substance, gold-198 or not. Yawn.

Comment How human (Score 2, Insightful) 183

Of course the trained experts are reluctant to change their view of how the world works. In proper amounts this skepticism is a good thing. I just hope they are open minded enough to recognize the signal in the data, if there is one. As for it being neutrino flux - that's just conjecture. It may simply be distance to the sun's core rather than a particle. What if the fission or fusion of nuclei has an impact on the stability of nearby, possibly entangled nuclei?

Comment A few challenges (Score 1) 396

First of all, try to break what you just wrote. Not hack it; just break it. Lean on the control key while typing input, feed it binary files for text & data. Run it in a VM on the slowest hardware you have. Make a game of trying to break your own code.

Then go back and do it again, but this time play black-hat hacker. Get creative rather than methodical. Try sql statements everywhere that might touch a database. Hammer every communication method it uses with denial of service abuse and then crafty mis-information that only you know enough to design.

The point is, make a game of it and you'll enjoy it. You could always trade code with a co-worker and keep score of how many bugs you each find in eachother's code.

Comment Re:Not so awesome as you might think (Score 1) 259

Not remembering dreams well indicates a deficiency in vitamin B6 and or Zinc. Try taking 40 or 50 milligrams of each every morning or at lunch. It takes zinc about 3-4 days to build up a serum level, so give it a good week before deciding if it helps. REM sleep (dreaming) is a more awake state than deep theta. At least more dreaming can make sleep more fun.

Comment Re:Event horizon paradox.. (Score 1) 364

To an observer within the aggregation, the formation of an event horizon would make it seem as if the entire rest of the universe were suddenly infinitely far away in space and time. You can't get there from here anymore. As you said, you can't really get there from the outside; that's because what was inside is infinitely far away. Spacetime is stretching towards the center faster than light can go.

Comment Missed the point (Score 1) 236

The goal is security. Centralizing software development, whether closed source or not, will change the landscape but not solve the problem. Yes, closed source and hard-to-get binaries may impede small hackers, but not government-level cyber-espionage. They'll infiltrate or socially hack your now centralized, easy pickings, offices. The biggest problem with Microsoft's dominance is not code quality, business practices, or other [insert rant here]; it's the ubiquity of their code. Once a security hole is found by someone, it can be exploited fricking everywhere. I've felt for years that all banks should do in-house only development from the hardware up; no outside operating systems, not just applications. What SHOULD be public is communications standards and other APIs, but what is under the hood should be new and different. Anyone who wants to be a cyber-criminal would have to specialize pretty hard on just a small niche, and would therefore be both easier to trace and catch and would have a much smaller chance of "making it big." Even viruses would be less able to spread.

Comment Human input (Score 2, Interesting) 113

I don't know your solution, but I can tell you it will involve automatic network mapping and polling of services. You need to find a solution that relies on human input as little as possible. Otherwise documentation gets out of date, no longer trustworthy, leading to lack of incentive to update it, ... With a big budget, I'd go for RFID on everything, with local readers doing triangulation. That's the only way to really track physical objects. Add that to the maps that network discovery makes and you've got what you need.

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