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Comment What are they even faxing? (Score 1) 111

It amazes me that there is even any need to fax patient information at all in the UK. They have had centrally run and managed and funded healthcare since the end of WWII ! I would have thought they would have some terminal text-based records system from the 1980's that was universally deployed. I mean the closest thing I have experienced to the UK system is the US military's system, which has been computerized with centralized records since I was a baby in the 80's (parents were in air force). Sure, there used to be physical records as well, but I remember them being things like x-rays and notes about x-rays, things that you couldn't really digitize at that time. I really doubt they are faxing x-rays, so the UK situation is extremely confusing. WTF is going on there?

Comment It's ok to leverage this! Everyone can benefit. (Score 2) 333

When you are ready to retire, give them two weeks notice. If they really need you, they'll find the amount of $$ that makes it worthwhile for you to stay on until they find a replacement. They get what they need, and you get properly paid for your rare skill (finally).

Comment I don't care either way (Score 1, Troll) 702

but I think it's not really so evil to organize. This is a system that is getting like 2 to 4 thousand votes, and this so called conservative cabal still didn't get all of their candidates into the final.

We are talking about nothing. This is nothing. This is a world with 7 Billion people in it. The margin of victory in this ballot is like 400 votes.

The short version is, maybe conservatives are 'gaming' this, but the thing they are gaming is completely meaningless. It's a stupid award and nobody should care who wins it. Read what you like, sheeple!

Comment Re:Why care? (Score 1) 235

This isn't how you are programmed to work.

Biologically nothing makes any sense. I mean this in the full nihilistic sense, nothing matters to cells and DNA and enzymes, they just follow the rules of physics and chemistry and nothing is better or worse, it's just a bunch of atoms bumping together.

However, evolution has programmed you to care *a whole lot* about your own children, and their children, and so on (but really it's just words past grand children for the most part, there is no biological programming to care about your 125,000 35th generation grandchildren, how could there be)

But then the beauty of the emergent behavior comes in, caring doesn't have to be global, because it is inductive. You care about your children, and they care about theirs, and so on down the line. Everyone is cared for, nobody has to manage to care about all the unborn generations to do a good job of ensuring their progeny will be among them.

This is also where people like Hawking aren't going to make a lot of headway, since we aren't really programmed to automatically feel anxiety about risks to the future of our race. Quick experiment (sorry in advance): Imagine the last ship of humans on it's way to Alpha Centari, the last hope of all of humanity; now imagine it exploding. Now imagine your kid on their way to school tomorrow, and a guy pulls up to them in a van and tells them he needs them to come help find his puppy. Which one made you feel really worried (assuming you have kids)? Now, it turns out he really did lose his puppy, but your kid does the right thing and runs into the school and tells a teacher. There, I let you off the hook, but if you are anything like me, just the thought of someone approaching my child makes me very anxious, but imaging humanity being wiped out in the distant future is the fodder of feel good sci-fi romps.

Comment Re: Note if we can stop.. (Score 1) 428

Gatorade is strictly bad for you, with the exceptions of dying in a famine, dying of insulin overdose.

Even if you are an endurance athlete, drinking sugar water is bad for you. It can improve performance, but it isn't good for you at all.

Any empty calories are bad for you, unless you are eating too few calories. So if you are in a famine, eat empty calories to top up. You aren't dying of famine, you are overweight. Any empty calories are worse for you than just not eating those empty calories. So any empty calories are too many, for you.

Sugar beverages, soda, gatorade, etc, are only bad for YOU. There is no point in YOUR life where drinking sugar water or eating candy is better for you than not doing so.

I look forward to your next rationalization.

Comment Re: Note if we can stop.. (Score 1) 428

I don't know them, but I do know they took the time to have and transcribe a little fit, lashing out at someone for suggesting what is just factually true, that there are better and worse foods in grocery stores and you will be more healthy if you buy and eat the healthy foods.

Having a little fit and lashing out at someone for something so totally non-controversial is coming from something emotionally charged. And I was right, he was in fact overweight and wasn't able to stop eating unhealthy foods, so he ended up basically skipping meals instead.

Comment Re: Note if we can stop.. (Score 0) 428

I don't know you, but you seem to get really angry that someone would suggest that it is obvious that you can get healthy food, and that pre-packaged food isn't healthy.

So I am totally with you, if you exercise, you can eat food that is not good for you and lose weight. I mean look at soldiers in basic training, or swimmers, or cyclists, or rock climbers, or anyone who engages in intense physical activity regularly. You'll never find someone who is fat, and lots of people in those groups eat a whole lot of junk food.

That's pretty much besides the point. You are getting really angry at people for saying to "eat healthy food". The fact that you lost 100 pounds tells me that you struggled with being heavier than you wanted. You probably didn't lose the weight on your first try. You probably tried to do things like cut out soda and fast food and other junk food, but you couldn't stick to it. This probably made you upset and led to feelings of shame, as it would for anybody who truly wanted to do something that requires will power, but didn't succeed. You later lost the weight another way, and pretty much there are only two ways to lose weight, healthy diet, or exercise (or both of course).

Anyway, the point is, when you are feeling this anger at people who advocate healthy food, you are really just trying to avoid feeling the shame at failing to have the willpower to control what you consumed. To avoid feeling that shame, you are basically getting worked up at people who advocate eating healthy food, because they are 'stupid douchebags', and "who would want to just eat healthy food that is stupid and pointless and if I can get upset enough about someone suggesting it I can stay focused on that and not be hard on myself."

It's ok, nobody has perfect self control, and good for you for finding a way to get to your goal that fit with your personality.

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