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Comment Why (Score 1) 124

Why pay attention to anything Bill Gates says?
He just parrots other smarter people and plays off his name recognition.
Just like with Microsoft, just absorbed others work, sometimes hired the right people to make it better or prettier and sometimes broke it (but it had the right label so the boss bought it anyway), and sold it off as their own.
Bill's a twit. He didn't even understand his own marketing strategies until his partners explained it to him and couldn't code his way out of a paper bag.
The only reason he does "good works" is that his father explained the need for social engagement as a PR strategy back in the olden days of his first successes.
Fandom is our greatest problem.

Comment Call me a cynic but.. (Score 3, Informative) 59

" Microsoft will most likely need to make a another exception and deliver a second post-EOL update pretty soon."
Ha! Who is to say the MS is not the source of the "bug"?
Win7 was the last version reasonably respectful of and providing a bit of user autonomy and privacy and they are desperate to kill it off.

Comment Slide rules Ha! (Score 1) 220

Sure we had slide rules, I've still got three, but Us Real Geeks had an IBM 360 reference (green) card tucked behind our pocket protectors along with the assembly ref. Just for the cool factor you understand because we had them committed to our magical meat memories and analysed our core dumps easier than mortals could read a bus schedule.

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