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Comment Re:LOC != kernel bloat (Score 1) 88

the Linux kernel is a mature piece of code. The amount of changes to core architecture should be limited to planned events and take years to mature to the point of inclusion. What we are looking at is just the amount of interest in making sure that the Linux kernel is being maintained at a prodigious rate so that we can wake up knowing that our bugs are being fixed and our security patches are on time. If there are people out there thinking that any amount of "lines of code" are some kind of developmental feature in the Linux kernel without a subsequent announcement they are deluding themselves. This is just to let people know that the machine is working fine.

Comment Re: Trump would like that (Score 2) 240

If that were the direction they wanted to go then they would have worked with our allies who are having the same issue with China rather than make enemies of everyone all at once. Don't get me wrong, sure we have trade issues with Europe, but it would have been much easier to get everyone on the same train of thought, then dealt with China, and then moved to other areas. This is more like a cartoon character skipping along and throwing taxes in the air.

Comment Re: Complicit (Score 2) 334

Now for an analogy: If I didn't mow my property for 20 years, and your kids grew up playing on it without me saying a word about it. Would they be able to visit that property any time they wanted as adults? Do your grandkids automatically get to use it too. Now I put up a fence, and call the cops on your grand kids for trespassing. Would I be a total dick? Would I have a legal right to do so? (yes and probably)

Wrong!, there is something called "adverse possession". If someone has used a piece of land long enough, made changes and it has clearly been in use without you acknowledging or responding to their use. The land may become theirs by law. http://www.beliveaulaw.net/201...

Comment Re: Assassination? Or Hoax? (Score 1) 411

This is true. The Chinese import technology, not products. As soon as they have the technology they don't need your products anymore. Access to markets in China is abysmal at best. Though, the US is not the only country facing this issue with China, and the US is not in a trade war "just" with China. All of the free market countries that would have unilaterally agreed with us going after China are now more likely to side with China in this war.

US, and us against the world is not a strategy. If Trump wanted to go after all of these trade deficits, then the oldest simplest strategy is to divide and conquer. First go after China with European help, and then deal with Europe. China's ability to hold out is completely dependent on their markets outside the US, if we had worked with our other partners to cut them off, this would have been much simpler. What Trump is doing is bound to hurt the US more than the outside world in the long run because either our ex-trading partners will find other suppliers or our suppliers will move overseas to meet the demand. The US does not have the ability to artificially support all of our own exporters that will be hurt by this. In the end it's a crap shoot whether or not we lose more in lost markets for US producers than we gain in lowered tariffs on products that China may or may not import at all.

Comment Re:We don't have a usable desktop operating system (Score 2) 597

285 is really stretching it. This is a list of "all" Linux distros, that covers everything from x86 to Arm and even Risc and PowerPc processors as well as BSD distros. Most of the distros are just repackaged versions of two or three main distros with not much more than a new theme added. Very little is different after you pass the first few.

The fact is that Windows has suffered for years without any competition. The fact that they can make a turd sandwich and you'd eat it is why the OS has not gotten noticeably better.

Personally I still don't get the issue with windows updates. Yes I know you can have it update at night, then wake up to needing to reboot and install more only to have to leave for work before you can check your email and then come home to have to click another checkbox that takes another length of time at least as long as a full install before you can use it. All because NTFS still has no reasonable way to deal with inodes in memory. Seriously, no other OS has that problem. Right now I have windows install on a disk that won't upgrade because of circular dependency issues. You know the problem you claim Linux has, which it doesn't because installing concurrent versions of libraries is done all the time for all kinds of software.

I don't feel like reinstalling windows because my Linux system works so well, and doesn't have all those issues. Unless of course your talking about not being able to run really expensive proprietary software that you need to buy and relicense every couple of years.. so what.

Comment Re:Is Slackware usable? (Score 2) 202

I've been using Linux since 1997, on a 386. My first attempt was slackware, my second was redhat, and my 3rd wash mandrake (which finally got my 64k baud modem working :). I moved to Gentoo in the early 2000's and then to Ubuntu just because I was lazy. Still using it in one form or the other. My point is not to brag about all of my years on Linux, it's to mention that I spend less time maintaining and working on my Linux systems then I ever had with MS.

Often when using Windows I'd wake in the morning to check the news only to be looking at a blue update screen.. then wait, and wait and go to work, then come home and click "ok" then wait and wait. This still goes on with Windows 10. Something stupid about losing inode markers while re-installing so that programs in memory can't access the original file (which they could have fixed by now) but I digress.

Linux has no real virus threats, no serious malware issues, Has all of your basic desktop software available at your fingertips on install, for free, doesn't lock up your system when it upgrades and worst case scenario you can re-install the latest version for free in less than an hour if everything goes wrong.
Those people who say that Linux is too hard to use just have never used it long enough to get it. In the long run you'll spend far less time working on your Linux system and far more time using it then you ever did with Windows. My current install on an amd 8320 still boots up in 20 seconds or less after over a year. Prove to me that your windows install does the same thing with as little maintenance as I've put into this (other than upgrades) none

Comment Re:Washington State, paying guilt tax for China (Score 1) 147

I'm a Seattle resident. One of the few blue collar workers left here. It was a great place to be in the 80's and 90's. Politicians have gotten money drunk and in many parts of the country, I'd be considered a liberal. Now large scale employers like Vigor shipyards and Boeing, not to mention low margin companies like Dick's burgers that cut their overhead to pay a decent wage and give employees health benefits are now being hit with this extra head tax. On top of it, they want to use the money to pay for a homeless population that is out of control and out of work while thousands of jobs go unfilled for lack of people willing to work. So what they'll do is kill thousands of jobs in an effort to make the numbers work out. Sell off the property that used to support those jobs as highly taxable condo properties and I'm going to charge the shit out of every person that needs me to do what I do because they fucking deserve it. Don't ask for an auto mechanic or a remodeler or a marine technician to work on your boat unless you are willing to pay through the nose because unless you voted to keep those jobs you voted to pay whatever I'm going to charge you.

Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 689

the reason is simple. Everyone coming out of high school wants to do "computers". Most of the jobs available are in the blue-collar sector where kids don't want to work, even if there are plenty of good paying positions available. You are in a high competition labor market. I'm going to charge more for my work every year because of you and them because I can't be replaced, you can.

Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 689

the reason is simple. Everyone coming out of high school wants to do "computers". Most of the jobs available are in the blue-collar sector where kids don't want to work, even if there are plenty of good paying positions available. You are in a high competition labor market. I'm going to charge more for my work every year because of you and them because I can't be replaced, you can.

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