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Comment Please, alternatives? (Score 2) 77

Any tips?
After years, it's just too simple to press 1 botton on my harmony keyboard to launch an activity, as for example... power on TV, HDMI1, TV volume down until zero, turn receiver on, DVD input, turn nvidia shield. And double as a BT keyboard on this one.
Now press another, goes for my Nintendo...

What are the alternatives, preferably with a Bluetooth keyboard if possible?
Sure, will keep using as far as I can go, but it's no on my server... :(

Comment Re:TinyTinyRSS (Score 1) 39

Another TTRSS user. I was on feedly and years ago I read some commentary here on slashdot that convinced me to change, cant remember why exactly.
The same still applies: as soon as I see something that can be better I will use it. But I cant see how fraidyc could be it, most of all it seems to be a mass if you follow too much sites.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 44

Isn't Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo Switch) build this way?
The game always deliver 60fps with no visual lags regardless of your connection, and there is some kind of AI making milliseconds decisions based on the last know online player action. When the AI makes a mistake (the green shell hits on your screen, but on reality the player did some last instant magic and was able to avoid it) on your screen you see the hit but the player keeps on as if nothing happened.
There are some erros but it is great and fun way to play. Way better than what I remember from the old days os Mario Kart on Nintendo Wii, for example, when some player where transported from one point to another on the screen in a normal lag way.

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