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Comment Re:Cumulative effects (Score 4, Informative) 214

The numbers reported are year-over-year inflation. So if inflation was 9% last month (i.e. september 2022 compared to september 2023) and it is now 3% (november 2022 compared to november 2023).

Your numbers would be correct if you started out with $100, kept them at home sewn into the mattress, and then for a whole year the inflation was 9% and then the following year was 3%. But it is a bit more complicated than that.

Comment Re:Wrote on what? (Score 1) 19

OTOH, some POTUS are too senile to be able to use X or do anything right and productive and they let people in the shadow manage everything.

Yeah, exactly. And they are stuck in the past thinking they are running against an ex- president who is absolute not running, thinks Victor Orban is the leader of Turkey, and that World War II is yet to be fought, and that hummus is a terror-organization. (I guess the latter could be true if you classify garlic as a weapon).

Comment Re:The main benefit of wasm (Score 1) 34

> What UI platform do you use? Bootstrap? React?

React is a JS framework. Blazor is a C# based framework for the same thing.

With React you code in JavaScript or TypeScript. The templating "language" is JSX or TSX. With Blazor you code in C# (or another .NET language) and the templating "language" is Razor.

You don't need to use JavaScript with Blazor. You use C# which compiled to WebAssembly instead.

With Blazor (like React) you produce HTML and CSS. It is not tied to any specific design system. You can use Bootstrap, Tailwind, Material, Fast or whatever.

Comment Ghastly, said Marvin (Score 3, Insightful) 111

"Ghastly," continued Marvin, "it all is. Absolutely ghastly. Just don't even talk about it. Look at this door," he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits cut in to his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of the sales brochure. " 'All the doors in his spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for "you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done.' "

- Douglas Adams (HHGTTG)

Comment Re:Python is memory-safe, too (Score 1) 196

Python is slow. To make Python not slow, Python allows for easy integration with libraries/modules/extensions written in C, C++ or some other non-memory-safe language, like Pandas.

A language that relies heavily on foreign function interfaces will carry with it the risk of those FFIs.

Comment Re: Because capitalism (Score 1) 196

memory_leak != memory_corruption

C# itself has no leaks, but you can certainly write a program that will leak memory, i.e. by storing objects in a list or dictionary that you forget about.

But that does not lead to memory corruption security vulnerabilities. It simply leads to the program crashing out when memory runs out. That crash will still be controlled.

Comment Re:Secure? (Score 1) 69

Formally proving software is an actual thing. There are theorem provers (Agda, Coq etc) which can assist in this work.

Google is not making a statement that they will formally prove their own software, only that they are building on a microkernel which has been formally proven. Which is still a big deal. Formally proving functional and security requirements of a kernel is a lot of work.


Comment Re:Oh? (Score 1) 35

Trying to partition which bits of the internet are the organisation or partners to the organisation sounds like a nightmare since most things are hosted within three main outsourcing organisations.

It's the browser or mail client that taints the file with it's "Internet origin" mark. Download a file using a browser or save a file received through an email and it will be tainted, unless you use some obscure mailclient or browser which does not follow the guidance.

Comment Re:Um, ok (Score 2) 35

Why do I have a hunch that "trusted location" means "some server on the internet with a valid certificate" or similar bullshit that won't keep a single infection from happening but causes heaps of headaches for legitimate users?

The "from Internet" taint of files in Windows rely on the user agent. Mail clients and browsers are expected to "taint" files downloaded using the application. All browsers respect this, and I believe that all mail clients do so as well. But it really comes down to the program you use to download the file.

This ability to "taint" a file has been in Windows since Vista (at least).

Comment Re:blazor (Score 1) 49

What struck me about Blazor is how *simple* it really is. MS had a pre-existing template engine Razor, and Blazor is almost just the shadow-DOM layer on top. It compares the current rendering to the shadow DOM and updates the DOM with the changes (Blazor Webassembly), or ships the diff to the client (Blazor Server).

They added some support for state (like cascading properties, event binding and expression binding) and that almost it!

To make it work they had to compile the .NET base class library to webassembly and make the .NET runtime run in webassembly. Which is really cool.

I can attest that it works beautifully. Being able to share the DOM classes (and even the service signatures) between BFF API and the client eliminates the friction between serializing to JSON from one language (e.g. C#) and deserializing from another language (e.g. Javascript/Typescript). No more date/time string mangling where time zones are off :-)

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