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Submission + - Nursing Homes and Computers 2

Kibblet writes: "My dad, an engineer who got us a Timex Sinclair growing up in the 70s, is slowly losing his ability to live independently, is getting forgetful, and has just moved into a long term care facility.

Before this all happened, he was forgetting passwords, had trouble logging his Nook onto his wifi, and had other problems with tech. Now the confusion is more generalized, but now that he is out of the hospital, and in a stable environment, my mom and I think that having a computer will help keep his mind sharp, keep him connected with family all over, and entertain him.

I live 1000 miles away, but can still help advise for a computer. We were thinking a thumb scan or something similar for logging on, and something to track it in case he has to worry about losing it or it 'growing legs'. He won't be doing any banking any more on something like that, but simple security would be nice — the place has a network.

I also suggested that she get it set up (all I know of is the Geek Squad if she goes to Best Buy, otherwise she can look locally for someone) so that she is the administrator, so if he gets a ton of spyware on it (again, another sign of his faltering abilities) she can get it cleaned up by a closer, semi tech literate relative near her.

Any suggestions? He never used Macs, he used Linux only sporadically, but used Windows frequently at home. It would probably best for him to continue with Windows.


Submission + - Man Plagued by Porn-Induced Headaches (go.com) 1

PolygamousRanchKid writes: A man plagued by porn-induced headaches has to take painkillers 30 minutes before watching the X-rated movies, according to a case study. a The unnamed "unmarried male software professional," 24, complained of "severe, exploding" headaches that developed gradually and peaked 10 minutes into the sexy scenes.

"Progressively, he started to refrain from viewing videos as a means of avoiding headaches," researchers from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in New Delhi, India, wrote in the case study published in the June issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior. About 1 percent of the population — mostly males — get headaches associated with sexual activity.

The man, ready to abandon his porn-watching ways, was instead advised to take 400 milligrams of ibuprofen and 500 milligrams of acetaminophen 30 minutes in advance, to which, according to the study, "he reported significant pain relief."

Submission + - ADSL+ Router with family safe controls?

An anonymous reader writes: My family are all growing up and I need to keep them safe online. Which ADSL router woud slashdot readers recommend? I think it needs to have the following features: wifi; parental controls including:black list, availability scheduling; and logging so I can easily control what my 4 kids can nd cannot do and see online, and logs so I can review wht they have been doing online. Oh and of course it has to work on the UK ADSL service as provided by BT.

Submission + - Space Tourist Trips to the Moon May Fly on Recycled Spaceships (space.com)

thomst writes: Rob Coppinger of Space.com reports that UK-based private company Excalibur Almaz plans to offer commercial lunar-orbital tourist missions based on recycled Soviet-era Soyuz vehicle and Salyut space stations, using Hall Effect thrusters to power the ensemble from Earth orbit to the Moon and back. The company estimates ticket prices at $150 million per seat (with a 50% profit margin), and expects to sell about 30 of them. Excalibur Almaz has other big plans, too, including ISS crew transport, LaGrange Point scientific missions, and Lunar surface payload deliveries. It expects to launch its first tourist trip to the Moon in 2014.

Comment Re:OLPC? (Score 1) 468

What about the poor children? Sure, pay for internet at home, but sometimes these families go for some time without electric. Then what? Can't use it, can't charge it. What about risk of mugging? There is a dollar value, you can figure in you have to replace X due to theft, but what about the damage to body, and mind, when that happens? And what about rural areas with shitty connections? The other night a number of students of mine had an assignment due, and we all had to use noodletools, which is fantastic, but online only. Mediacom went out for much of the area, for much of the night. Way too many of us suffered from lack of sleep waiting for the internet to come back on, so we could finish our work. I would have gone to the downtown campus of my school? BUt they use mediacom. Library? Mediacom? Free wireless? Mediacom. Oh, and imagine reading textbooks on a netbook. I'm on one now and I don't relish the thought.

Comment Re:i ignore voice mail (Score 1) 393

That seems kind of selfish, making people chase you down like that. Why does the other person have to do the work? What if they are calling to do you a favor or something for you? How awful! And leave a text? I have no way to leave a text for someone. I'd much rather get a voicemail, than a text, and I conduct a lot of my life via voicemail.

Comment My thoughts (Score 5, Interesting) 356

If it IS vinyl flooring, it isn't from the kid, it's from pregnant mom, I think. Although we didn't have vinyl floors (and because of insurance screw-ups, didn't get my son properly vaccinated well until after he was full blown autistic), I was exposed to a lot of toxins (airborne) during my pregnancy. But the interesting thing is, in retrospect, he had signs of autism almost immediately after birth. Part of autism (which he has to the point where he cannot speak, and most likely will never live independently) can be sensory problems, and his are oral/eating related. He would not breastfeed. He would not take food from a bottle. He could not leave the hospital for two weeks because of this. Even when he got home, formula or breastmilk would pour down his face as much as it would pour into his mouth. I've spoken to other parents who saw signs, small ones, very very early on. Yes, my kid did have a bit of that 'developing ok and then all of a sudden went backwards' stuff, but he was already a bit off, I think. And he still does that today -- over the summer, without school, he lost the ability to communicate completely. It's just that parents seem to notice that first change. So vinyl floors? A bit of a reach. Something happening during pregnancy? A possibility. Toxins? A possibility. But my wood floors didn't 'save' my son.

Comment Re:Because of poor future for US STEM workers ? (Score 1) 616

Good point. I know a number of female lawyers, and I can think of at least two that got pregnant during law school. They still managed to finish, and work afterwards. Medicine (and not just doctors, but nurses, physical therapists, OTs, SLPs, and so on) is very time intensive, too. Nursing clinicals often start before 6am -- VERY hard to do if you have school aged children. But a lot of nursing students are parents. I wonder what fields of law female lawyers are drawn towards -- it might add some insight to the discussion. If it is stuff like public defense, or family law or things like that, does it mean that they are going towards the 'helping fields' just like women who go into education, early childhood, social work, and medicine do? Or are they more random in their law career choices?

Comment Re:This study is incomplete (Score 1) 616

I had the ability, I just don't LIKE it. I never thought I'd have children, and I do. My career switch is nursing, which is science intensive, and math intensive. Nursing is a lot more than bringing a tray and sticking a needle in your arm. I suppose in the past I could have been a doctor (too old now). But there is something in me that draws me emotionally to nursing. The hours of school do interfere with child care, and it's been a lot of juggling, including my husband taking off of work for six weeks for a summer course I wanted to take. So you can't really say it is the time, either, since a lot of parents (usually mothers) do a career switch to nursing. A lot of it has to do with how many women are wired. I bet if I had an interest, I'd do great in something tech related. (Had my first computer in the 70s, my dad the engineer taught me basic programming, something I continued through high school.) I just don't have that interest. I like people. I think I'd be a great nurse. The work I've done so far has been very enjoyable. Knowing, too, that there is a shortage does help from the practical side of things. If I did go a different way, would I have job security? I don't know.

Comment Re:Medicine : Where this really gets scary (Score 1) 616

Why are MDs fighting against PAs and NPs and midwives? That is another way to lighten the load, and increase access and quality of care to people, but the AMA is NOT friendly to anyone encroaching on their territory, even if the evidence points towards those other titles being competent, and even excelling at what they do. And now they want NPs to get PhDs. Anything to get them out of patient care!

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